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Everything posted by mailmantech82

  1. Wow...will definitely be passing these videos on!
  2. After yesterday it would be.... "Spirit in the Sky"
  3. If medic 2 thought the pt may need RSI, why didn't he assist medic 1? Why not work together for the benefit of the pt rather than fight. They had the same medical director according to the video interview. If we want a national presence and a positive image why can't we work together, rather than having these turf wars?
  4. These "EMT's" definitely need to be disciplined. However, if this is a "turf war", how many others have suffered because of it? Fire vs Private.... what happened to interoperability and cooperation? Did EMS not learn anything? Or did FDNY and their "HERO" mentality not learn anything?
  5. Hey Medic...where in Maine are you from?
  6. Just another thought... I agree with giving the benefit of a doubt...however by reading the article (assuming the writer didn't fark it up)...it seems as though the Medic attempted to cover his tracks blaming the monitor batteries fell out, and that the strips went through the laundry. Wouldn't it bear to reason if the call could potentially go to litigation, and you were doing your job that you would protect that information to cover your own butt? It seems this medic was careless all around and it may have cost him his career, and a pt their life.
  7. Once again another blot against the profession...where do these people come from?
  8. Stupid should hurt....
  9. How did this guy become a Paramedic? I'm currently in a Paramedic program and from day one we were taught the legal/ethical principles of EMS and the medications/treatments carried... I just don't understand this...how can you not know it's wrong?
  10. I would have to say "Fire" by the Ohio Players
  11. Once again their ignorance is displayed... all take and no give.
  12. When you get called out to do a psych transfer in a blizzard that's unnecessary. Just because the hospital doesn't want to deal with them for the night.
  13. I work for a small rural service in Maine... I've been in the blizzards where you couldn't see the end of the hood and were plowing snow with the rig... In our service if it's a critical life or limb transport we will go... if it's not, it will still be there when it stops snowing. If the life is not in jeopardy, why put it there with bad road conditions? Do no harm right?
  14. Hey! Thank you so much for all of the information that is coming in Marty and Dust...I appreciate it so much and it's very helpful!
  15. Hey, I'm writing a term paper for paramedic school on how medical treatments and protocols have changed in the last 30 years or so. If anybody has any information or old protocol books, I would appreciate it! Thanks,
  16. corn flakes
  17. cold
  18. commited
  19. normal
  20. flirt
  21. cat
  22. fight
  23. Chicks
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