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Everything posted by EMT4455

  1. EMT4455


    I love Foamy!!! Man he makes me laugh. This is sooo true to thats what makes it so funny. Thanks for posting this it made my day!!
  2. Well it is interesting to see that this happens to many of us. What ever the case may be. This also happens to me. Fluid or electrical waves....don't know. But I was kinda freaked out that I would awake before the page. Nice to know that I am not the only one thinking how weird it really is. Maybe it's just to much time in the field.
  3. Only yes if he is really HOT .....but my answer is no
  4. We have a 30-40 min transport time to the nearest hospital .They will stabilize and send them on a helo. When we have some bad cases we just helo out from scene. We only staff 2 ambulances. We have 4. But if both are out of county at the same time (which happens often) it is up to anyone who lives in the area and works for the service to grab a truck and go. This can get hairy for us. But our volunteer depts. are great a responding and have driven us in to the hospital many times. It works out for the most part because most of our staff lives in county, but if we hired more outside of county we would be in alot of trouble.
  5. Does Vermont reconize National Regisrty? I am orgianlly from there but am an EMT-B in Indiana. I have foten thought about going home but was unsure what there requirements are. I am from Brattleboro. Nice to see someone else from home out here.
  6. Protocols say for us say start CPR. But I would have done the same thing as you. He was there to die. With conformation from med. director then don't. It could have been very painful for the family to go through watching and knowing that he was there to die. DNR's are a pain in the ... when they are not done correctly. I wasn't there but it sounded like you did the right thing. He went peacefully and at home with is family. What more could they or the pt. have asked for. Good job.
  7. We have an employee who lost his leg above the knee in an accident (befre he came here to work). He is a volunteer firefighter and works the ambulnace. I have to admit I was worried at first but he can do anything I can. If not better. He lifts he gets in dicthes he climbs in and out of the truck. He is not a liability to our service, he is a great assest. He had it harder than the rest of us because there was alot of doubt. But he proved many of us wrong. I would take him over alot of other people any day. I trust him with my life.
  8. okay I agree. I look at the schedule to know if someone should call an ambulance or not. There are some ahhh lets say non-aggresive EMT's. I just don't agree with the stand that flight lp took. I am nor is the guy who started this topic a dumbass. It was a general knowledge question from a BLS service and in the process we got slammed into the ground for doing our jobs. I think that flight lp could have used a little more tact thats all. And yes we are becoming advanced. Well those of us that can pass the class.
  9. Last time I checked a TRAINED MONKEY COULD NOT do the job of an EMT-B. If it wasn't for EMT-B's you would be screwed around here. I think that I have enough brain cells to decide wether I need medics. I also know I don't need a medic to tell me it's a BLS run. When you run out here in the middle of no where land you let me know how it works. And yes protocols are in place for that reason. But there are many times that we as educated EMT's know that we do or don't need medics. I am a newbie here and very insulted by your attitude toward EMT-B's. It would be like me bad mouthing First responders. Out here they are a great asset to us and do there jobs well. But then I guess cause were not medics they could pay monkeys alot less.
  10. OKay wow!!!!!! First of all EMT-B's are able to think critically.....DUH! Or we wouldnt be able to this job!!!!!! That was just an insult to any EMTB.Especially if Medics are 30-40 mins out. That was a line of crap. You are lashing out at emtb's because of one thing said about paragod. Either way we are all here to do the same job. Yeah there are Young EMT's but the one you are refrerring to has been doing this along time and is very good at what he does. Yeah there are crappy EMTb and medics we all know that. But the point of the discussion was wether bls is calling for ALS to much. We have protcols that state we have to call for medics. And there are times that we dont need them and can make that call as an EMT. But we would get in a world of crap if we don't. So there are times as EMTB's that we wonder if we are calling to much jusy because protocols says so. So stop being so uppity about medics and basics. We are all the same breed.
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