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    lots of things

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  1. omg i was so bad with carrying stuff on me! lol... i just had my clipboard, scope , and shears ( when i remembered to bring it in ) and the pager
  2. yea.. uniforms people.. i think it's professional even if you are a volunteer :wink:
  3. ha.. i probably should of done this when i first signed up.. anyways better late than never! :oops: so my name is Ivonne i'm 24 y/o living in the central florida area (Kissimmee). i moved here about a year and a half ago from Jersey (northern). Back home i was an EMT and i started out as a volunteer in wny ems.. i then went on to work for North Bergen EMS and UMDNJ ( Newark campus). living in Kissimmee is completely different to what i'm use to but i've grown to adapt ( well a little bit ).. i am not in field any longer.. decided to take a break , so i'm a dispatcher! (lol) for osceola fire/rescue and i'm currently going to nursing school as well. yup that pretty much sums it all up for me 8)
  4. hey.. i thought about this for a long time as well.. paramedic vs nursing? i finally came to the conclusion that nursing would be the best route for me. it pays better, nurses are needed everywhere, and they also have special nursing grants available. i know a lot of emt's that have decided to take the nursing route instead of being a medic.. and i also know a lot medics that decided to go for nursing, nursing school may take a little longer to finish but i think it would be a better choice. Ultimately, the decision is yours.. i wish you luck with whatever you decide to do.
  5. I tried searching for the actual picture of this bulletin board.. but i couldn't find it.. lake county , fl put out a outside bulletin board that said they were not a taxi ride.. i'm going to try and find it, i guess that's a start
  6. back in jersey i got paid 17.50/hr and i believe the rate is up to 18 and change... i'm in kissimmee now and what they pay the basics is crap... its around 8-9.. and things aren't as cheap here as people think
  7. congrats!!!!! i can't wait to graduate and take the exam.. best of luck !
  8. i worked at umd for almost two years and i can tell you that i never had a problem with anyone that worked there. I loved working there and it was mostly because of the people i worked with... i met a lot of people that taught me a lot and we still remain friends. I'm not saying that they are perfect but everywhere you go you will always encounter a couple of people who don't make wise decisions.... it's all about one's personality/character and i can tell you that 95% of the people who work there are professional. this whole incident has tainted umd's rep and it's unfortunate because not only is their safety in jeopardy but now they all have to work twice as hard to prove that not everyone at umd has that way of thinking.. and about the whole hazing thing, i never got hazed ..
  9. i hated wearing those vests..... but i did it because i value my life, so for those of you guys out there that don't wear it... you should rethink your decision
  10. I googled EMS and it came up
  11. As a former employee of the "U" i'm saddened, upset, and shocked all at the same time, not only because of the incident itself but also because i never EVER would of thought any of these guys would of been involved in something like this. This whole incident creates more of a safety issue.. i mean as if it isn't crazy enough working in Newark already.. believe me I know what's it's like.... it's just so sad If any of you guys are from the "U".. please be careful working out there... ***Ivonne***
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