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Everything posted by Ruready4disaster

  1. Money..I already have love A chance to feed 1 million kids or a chance to receive 1 million dollars
  2. Shooting star.. Given the option to choose one, would you rather visit a time from your past or a time from your future
  3. "I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle". -Winston Churchill
  4. take it i will visit my cousin. Leave a Glass bottle of pepsi (if anyone remembers them)
  5. Magic Power- Triumph
  6. take it. I will leave the empty bowl
  7. take it ill get the hell shift out of the way....leaving a one way airplane ticket to anywhere in the United states
  8. leave them they wont fit...il lleave a minitor that wont stop going off for no reason
  9. keep it..i can serve those pancakes on it...leave a model ambulance
  10. take it...still good for toast.....Leave a a a pack of post it notes to stick with the office supply theme..lol
  11. keep them it seems like for every 1 i throw away i get 30....Leaving a tuppaware container full of thumbtacks
  12. keep that...that may come in handy...leave two cats that scratch and dig everything they possibly can
  13. take it...i will make M&M pancakes and leave a batch.
  14. leave it...and leave a box of unlabled but burned music cd's
  15. Take it..that could be worth something one day.... Leaving one worn down but still useable duty bag
  16. Take it NYC is amazing. Leaving Terris dream that the cowboys can make it to the superbowl this year.
  17. deffinatly leaving that. Leaving a group of americans who voted for obama based on race and not the real issues.
  18. hmmm take it just because of the doritos..i will leave that can of diet pepsi and a fish tank in desperate need of cleaning
  19. leave it i have to work with one tommorow dont want two..lol Leave an ems duty bag with nothing in it
  20. leave it life has too many hoops....Two eggs homefires and bacon
  21. leave it broken hearts stink and life is better without the ability give a damn....Leaving windows vista premium on a dell computer
  22. Glad cheeky is ok. Hopefully everything goes well with the baby.. still praying for your family.
  23. Hope the days continue to get better. My prayers to you and your family
  24. Our HIPPA from is on a seperate document than our PCR. No-one should have to look at a PCR to understand HIPPA that is two seperate documents and i would NEVER show a PCR to anyone other than the PT. I dont understand how someone needs to read a PCR to understand HIPPA.
  25. Dont know about ringtones because but if you have a camera phone just take a picture of something EMS related and set it as wallpaper.
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