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Everything posted by shanisthebest85

  1. #1. How do you know this? #2. They see pt's as needing ALS care because they need to practice ALS care to use their skills. #3. You were once a basic. #4. You were once a medic student. #5. Wouldn't it suck to have a new medic who had no skills because he only practiced them when ALS was absolutley necessary?!?!
  2. I'm gonna go ahead and start with I HATE HALF OF MY DISPATCHERS!! Think about it though.,.. we hate dispatchers because we need something to hate. They are the ones sending us on calls. They are the ones "making us do things"..... and they fuck up.... Reality check.... we fuck up too. I suppose as much as I hate some of my dispatchers... I sometimes put myself in their shoes... I'd hate to answer 911 calls.... to get an adress from a frantic "I YI YI YI" caller. On top of that keeping track of trucks, run times, numbers, transfers....and other misc calls. Mad love to dispatchers. We love to hate you,.
  3. Only Mass! There is no NAtional Registration is Mass.... only Mass Registration... I'm only Mass certified.
  4. I registered for mine - and I hope the money is going to the foundation - I don't see it going elsewhere. I also love Mass EMS
  5. I can see your point of view.... but like I always say when I get my PCR reports back with comments .... I say "WERE YOU THERE???" .... you can NEVER truly judge a call unless you were there.
  6. http://maemsfoundation.org/pages/1/index.htm Register for your MASS EMS Foundation Liscense Plates!!!!
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