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    Sparta, NJ

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  1. thebravest.com and just follow the instructions and you can listen to Manhattan, Brooklyn, Citywide, Da Bronx or Queens
  2. FD do the extrication here. We both work together, well i should say only a handful of squad people work well with the fire department. They do an excellent job always asking if we need help or how long they have to work. When they go drilling, they invite us but of course only that handful of the squad actually go out to learn something. They dont want to learn about rescue because we are only a ambulance squad not "rescue" squad
  3. ive only been in the volunteer ems system for alittle over 3 years now and i probably dont see the biggest picture. i leave in a town in northern jersey and my town and all the towns around me are volunteer. We have paid als trucks come to a call if needed. my town rides about 1100 calls a year and i dont really see the need for a paid truck up here. yes they are paid professionals and we are also professionals but not paid. we are required to go through the same EMT course and the same number of CEU classes. i know a lot of people that go beyond what is expected. We get calls answered and in a timely fashion. i know a paid crew would get there in about 3-4 in my town and we average about 5-6 minutes in response. that isnt really that bad for a 39 square mile town. i guess my point to the reply is that i believe that the volunteer organizations are good when the call volume isnt that great and when calls are answered by EMTs, why have a paid truck sit up here???
  4. one of my friends has a UHF icom f-11 and he loves it. icom is making great radios with still more to come. i say get icom before motorola or kendword. i have worked with all of them and love icoms
  5. 97 Jeep Cherokee Sport
  6. pads, have never used paddles. would love to learn
  7. BLS and fire are all proud volunteers als is paid out of area hospitals
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