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Everything posted by honaker

  1. Not quite understanding the light hearted banter going on here with t/c, AOL and get lost, I thought I would follow the advise of the above poster and read the rules. Here is the first one; "1. You agree not to post or transmit any material that may reasonably be interpreted as abusive, slanderous, hateful, threatening, hostile, harassing, demeaning, intolerant, or intentionally offensive to any other member of this forum. This includes sarcastic, backhanded and double entendre comments, as well as any form of name-calling." Fortunately I read down to number four and found an easy out; "4. You agree to not incite, encourage, or participate in argumentative behavior. There is a fine line between spirited debate and argument. The former is encouraged. The latter is prohibited. If you are involved in a discussion that begins to take a turn for the worst, it is your responsibility to withdraw from the conversation, and if necessary, report it to a Moderator. Continuing to feed the fire will only result in you receiving the same discipline as those who may have started the problem."
  2. I am glad to see that Yoda has returned to the board and again, assumed his position on The Council of Elders.
  3. Did you mean to spell "fraught" while you were admonishing Wildfire for "spelling and grammatical errors?" Should "...poorly thought out" be followed by a comma? If you are going to ask a question as in "Wildfire, can I ask you a question, can you put together a sensible question." you should end the sentence with a question mark. The number "4" should be spelled out as "four" in this context. Your post is the pot calling the kettle black.
  4. Good thread Spenac...............What do you do when you get flashed while speeding?
  5. Do you have any experience with the paramedic master exam series from EMS solutions?
  6. 28 weeks for about $5800 if you are in state. They call it a six month program but the in class schedule shows 28 weeks. Five days a week. http://www.healthoneems.com/courses.html Maybe it is like carrying a child full term, before EMS I thought nine months was 36 weeks. Six months should at most be only 26 weeks. We started 12-28-07 and finish (somewhere around exactly) 6-29-08. I just finished week 8. Maybe it is because of an extra day this month. If the above makes no sense it is because it is the rambling of my brain on drugs, rhythms and what not. Five days a week should be just that, days and maybe a few hours at night, okay a lot of hours at night too, I would be okay with it staying out of my dreams!
  7. I second ptemt's motion to elect Eydawn to the Council of Elders.................................................................What was the topic?
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