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  1. Every year on the aniversary, my ambulance company honors my cousin who died in Tower 1 with a message of rememberence on one side of our outside message board. This year the other side of the board was to simply have the number 417. To honor the total number of all emeregncy first responders ( fire, police and ems) who lost their lives attempting to save him and the others who simply went to work that day. Our Operations Chief said we couldn't because... "It would insult our neighboring fire companies" ???
  2. I dont agree with a lot of the bill as passed but look at it as a beggining. O'bama went into the presidency wanting the biggest change to be that congress could work together but the only thing the republicans were ready for was to say no to whatever was proposed. From inaguration day their main goal was to not support this presidency period. The man could adopt full on republican views but if they came out of his mouth the GOP would disagree with them. As for him bankrupting the country George & Dick went in with a surplus and left us close to in a derpression. The automakers, the banks, their fault or did they have nothing to do with the previous eight years. Oh I know 9/11 9/11. well I lost family on 9/11 and found it insulting that the Cheney/Bush regime used that to screw this country and ppush many an agenda that was catastrophic for this country. I dont like that the Democrats are using the sanme tactics as the Republicans did of jamming agendas down peoples throats. But helping your fellow man/ socialism? My Irish grandfather once told me the difference between the English and the Irish was that the English regard beggars as being, if not exactly criminals, then close to the crimminal class. The Irish, on the contrary, regard their relief as almost a sacred duty. I'm begining to see a comparison with parties now. And ER's being over run because of it? Where have you been? We're already 75 calls ahead of last year because people go to the ER NOW because they can't be refused treatment even though they dont have health care. Everyone agrees that the health care system is broken, a mess, but the it's broke but don't fix it doesn't wash with me. Neither does the we'll only do it our way or no way. You want to call this socialism and scare people finne but I'll take a little socialism over the eight previous years of facism any day.
  3. Was watching the weather report on the news Monday night. Weatherman was talking about an approaching storm coming Thursday into Friday Then he said this... "According to the current modules we can not predict wether it will be snow, rain, or a mixture of both we will know more by the end of the week" REALLY ???
  4. I don't wanna stop. by Ozzy Osbourne
  5. "When a quarter was a decent allowance? " When I tell people I run with that I could use that quarter allowance to go to the five & dime and buy 2 comic books and a pack of baseball cards ( which included 5 cards and a stick of gum) they think I'm crazy. When I tell them we always went right after church before all the stores closed for the day because stores could only stay open on a Sunday for a half hour after the last service they think I gre up in another country.
  6. Dispatch: Ambulance XYZ respond to RT111 Northbound for a female patient from a vehicle accident, up walking around, bleeding from the head Ambulance XYZ: Is she conscious? Best Nursing home story: Dispatched for an unconscious person. Met by nurse and while escorting us to the room he says the patient was fed lunch "20 minutes go and appeared fine". We enter the room to find the patient sitting up in bed with his back at about a 45 degree angle. The bed has been lowered to the flat position and the patient is in full rigor. Medic with me turns to the nurse (and I really don't know how he kept a straight face) and asks if the patient had had any complaints about the meal.
  7. Police station Fire house Ambulance ________ building??? EMT, Paramedic, Volunteer, Paid ? How can we aspire to be treated equal with fire or police if we don't even consider ourselves equals amongst one and other? Maybe EMP? Emergency Medical Practitioner or Provider Number one need for EMS to move forward ? Accountability! In actions, attitude, appearance, education, and skills, both individually an by organizations
  8. What we're called, doesn't really doesn't matter much to me. I haven't found too many who don't know what I do when I say I am an EMT, but I can't say I haven't run across one or two. When I notice that huh look, I simply say I run ambulance. Which usually leads to their next question being " You mean in the back?" I don't take offense to ignorance of what my title means as long as I prove worthy of that title when it counts. Educating the public one patient ( maybe along with their family) at a time is a slow process but aren't they why we got into this to begin with?
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