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I am compiling a rather large list of medications that are frequently (or infrequently) used in our world (both 911 and transport/sct transport) for updating my companies rather old list that leaves many many commonly used drugs absent. What else have you seen? Acetaminophen Adenocard Adenosine Aggrastat Albuterol Alupent Amiophylline Amiodarone Amyl Nitrate Anectine Antibiotics Aspirin Ativan Atropine Benadryl Blood Bretylium Bumetanide Calcium Chloride Calcium Gluconate Cardizem Charcoal Cimetidine Clonidine Compazine Cyanide poison kit D-Tetanus D10W D5-1/2NS D5-1/4NS D5LR D5NS D5W Decadron Demerol Dexame Thazone Dextrose 10% Dextrose 20% Dextrose 50% Diazepam Digoxin Dilantin Diltiazem Diphenhydramine Dobutamine Dopamine Droperidol Epi-pen Epinephrine Epinephrine 1:1000 Epinephrine 1:10000 Epinephrine- Racemic Etomidate Famotidine Fentanyl Flumazenil Fosphenytoin Furosemide Glucagon Haldol Haloperidol Heparin Heparin Drip Ibuprofen Instant Glucose Insulin Integrilin Ipecac Ipratropium Isoetharine Isoproterenol Isuprel Ketorolac Labetalol Lactated Ringers Lasix Lidocaine Lidocaine 2% Lidocaine drip Lorazepam Magnesium sulfate Mannitol Meperidine Metaproterenol Methylene Blue Methylprednisolone Methoclopramide Metoprolol Midazolam Milrinone Mivacron Morphine Motrin Nalmefene Naloxone Narcan Nasal Spray Decongestant Nifedipine Nipride Nitro Paste Nitroglycerin Nitroprusside Nitrous oxide Norepinepherine Normal Saline Nubaine Oral Glucose Oxygen Oxytocin Ondansetron Penicillin Phenergan Phenobarbitol Phenytoin Pitocin Plasma Protein Fraction Potassium Chloride Pralidoxine Procainamide Procaine Procardia Prochlorperazine Promethazine Proparacaine Propofol Propranolol Proventil Rocuronium Romazicon Sodium Bicarbonate Sodium Chloride Solumedrol Stadol Sterile Saline Streptokinase Succinylcholine Terbutaline Thiamine Thrombolytic Agent Tnkase Total Parental Nutrition TPA Tylenol Urokinase Valium Vasopressin Vasotec Vecuronium Verapamil Versed Vistaril Zofran
So it occurred to me - some medical directors are very involved while others are very uninvolved the level of commitment you see with some makes me wonder if it is because they are paid well to be involved or whether they just enjoy it. How much have you heard of medical directors getting paid - private or city, how many ambulances. To be quite honest I dont even know the range of pay
i fell into a hole - practically i forgot my time with acls and pals were coming near, unfortunately neither my volunteer gig, my paid gig, nor the local college are offering acls or pals anytime in the near future. well while looking to see if there were any not-quite-as-local classes coming up my wife stumbled across www.palscourse.com - it says they offer acls and pals recerts without in-classroom/hands on. my impression was that aha required hands on but i am not positive. anyone know of the validity of these classes - any help is appreciated. -X
hah I forgot about this thread someone sent me a message - I actually passed all practicals and written on first shot no retests on any practicals- lol right now I am actually doing my semi-yearly recert class
Last night I finished EMT-P school, Yes Dustdevil I am getting a professional degree - I just need to apply for graduation now since I already had all of my core classes before going into the program. My NREMT-P practicals are this coming Friday and written is in 3 weeks. Can anyone offer any advice on the written - not looking for example questions or anything, I am just looking for information on how deep I dug the hole I am standing in now. I have no fear of my Practical stations - in class I have never had any problem with them - 12/12 on statics, dynamics good every time, basic skills are no problem, IV/ET are not a problem, my Trauma assessments are very complete (Scored Instructor Potential on both written and practical ITLS exams), and Oral questions cant be but so hard (Field preceptors have always commented on a good presentation to my patients). But I am Stressing out on the Computer exam, Any pointers?
I was running a night shift at my station (which happens to be in the middle of the city) so whenever another station gets a call if another call comes in that is in their area we usually end up responding. so its about 1:30am on a friday morning, The tones are not working. we had a 4 man squad that night, 1 observer 1 intern, 3 of us were awake watching movies on the TV, I have my radio on so we know when a call comes through to us. (Radio tones go off, but not station tones) Dispatcher: "1620 please respond to <enter address here> at <a local gay bar> priority 1 (lights and sirens possible life threatening) for an unconscious male of an unknown age, PLEASE ENTER THROUGH THE REAR" (oh hahaha dispatch your really fucking funny) Me: "1620 responding" Dispatcher: "1620 is responding to the call at <a local gay bar> priority 1 for an unconscious male of an unknown age, correction, caller wants you to proceed through the front door" <End of transmission> so I walk over to my partners bed and try to wake him up by screaming his name at him and give up, I tell the intern its their turn. the intern goes and taps on his shoulder. partner: ".......eh......wha...?" intern: "hey wake up we are going to the gay bar" partner: "....oh??... kay.?.?" my partner then proceeds to fall back asleep very quickly. intern then informs him it is for a call and he gets up. <time lapse is so awesome> Arrive on scene partner: "wow that chick is hot what is she doing here" me: "agreed what the hell!?" <radio> Me: "dispatch this is 1620 we have arrived on scene" Dispatcher: "10/4 1620 is on scene at <a local gay bar> please proceed through the front door" <end of transmission> we get out of the truck and start walking toward the building and said "hot chick" starts running toward us hot chick?: (in a very deep voice) "Oh my god you have to help him he just fell over and is like... ... .. I dont know but he wont talk to us." at this point everyone on my crew has this "OH MY FUCKING GOD look on our faces" we go in and find a 78 year old man on the floor we decided he had around 20-30 too many beers and take him to the hospital with a little bit of a fight after calling police and threatening to send him to the jail if he refuses treatment. this guy is a complete asshole and we are quickly getting drunk off the fumes coming from his mouth, so we start transporting to the nearest hospital. we call the hospital and let them know we are coming, once we are literally less than 500 feet from said hospital they call us back and say that we have been diverted to not just another hospital but one of the furthest away in the city. I was about ready to kill myself and everyone around me by the time that call was over.
as you guys were talking earlier, the Nurses with the local hospital chain are REQUIRED to run a certain number of shifts on an ambulance every month. most of them around here are alot more pleasant than some of the ignorant fools at the surrounding cities
Our Ambulances are identified in my city by <Station number>2<ambuliance number> so my station is 16 our ambuliances are 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 and 1625 some stations that have more than 10 will go into the 30's (even though none of our stations EVER have more than 4 or 5 running at one time) Squad trucks (with the jaws and all the fun tools) are SQUAD-9 SQUAD-14 and SQUAD-16 Search and rescue is SAR-1 SAR-2 SAR-3 our Supervisors are EMS-<Vehicle number (based off superiority)> so EMS-5 EMS-6 EMS-7 our ALS interceptor vehicles (little crown vickies) are: Zone-<Station number> For Fire: Engine: E-<station number> if there is more than one engine at a station we signify them as E-<station>-<truck> (like E-16-1 or E-16-2) Ladder L-<station number> Batalion chief B-<truck number> I am unsure how they label the marine units and the ATV's (I live in a beach town)
your failure to read still hasn't ceased to amaze me, earlier in the thread I mentioned I am a NBPT Certified Pharmacy Technician yet again you just didnt read I did answer the question, I took a contracted class which also required me to take other non contracted courses you just don't read do you, you read the bare minimum to respond and try to make people feel bad. I already stated the EMT course was a contracted course with the hospital I work for. Well seeing as it will save me money to do it that way I say it is a good idea, I have time to take the courses so why waste money to skip them by taking them straight through the college paying a tuition and books fees instead of through my work who provides the class anyway who will supply me with the books. Don't even try to go make yourself look better then anyone else you are just the same. you have the same flaws, and you are also in the same terminal cycle. Actulilly, allow me to correct myself, go ahead do it, all the time, until you do it to the wrong person and get really smacked up or get fired from a job.
I did some research on the shock trauma and it is the VA equivilant to ALS-Intermedeate btw - I work for a hospital they are offering it free. and when I said the community college was a joke I was referring to it in general not contracted classes. I have done contracted classes there before for networking which wasnt too bad.
The Community college over here is a joke. and the Company I am working for is contracted by the Community college anyway for the medical classes, might as well get the same education free
I am only training shock trauma because the Department I am working for does Free training all the way to paramedic as long as I go in their order which is EMT>Shock Trauma>Intermedeate life support>Paramedic
I am paticularly interested in the difference in the pay between EMT-b, intermedeate, and Paramedic I am currently training as a emt-b but shortly after certification I plan to enroll in a Shock trauma class. but I am also already a nationally certified Pharmacy Technician so I am working at a hospital already, I just kinda want to trade specialties