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Posts posted by ptemt

  1. Possible pulmonary embolus from not cleaning his junk properly?


    "...........A variation of the speedball, known colloquially as Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome, has recently come into vogue in circles of drug users across the Northeast of the United States and in parts of Canada. Requiring a larger syringe than is common, MMBT requires the addition of a shot of the powerful liquor Everclear as well as an increased amount of both heroin and cocaine. The presence of the potent alcohol apparently enhances the euphoric effects of the already volatile combination. It is unclear as to what, if any, connection this particular cocktail has to the Mel Gibson film of the same name."

  2. :D

    Memorable Quotes from

    Kung Fu (1972) (TV)

    Young Caine: You cannot see.

    Master Po: You think I cannot see?

    Young Caine: Of all things, to live in darkness must be worst.

    Master Po: Fear is the only darkness.


    Master Po: [after easily defeating the boy in combat] Ha, ha, never assume because a man has no eyes he cannot see. Close your eyes. What do you hear?

    Young Caine: I hear the water, I hear the birds.

    Master Po: Do you hear your own heartbeat?

    Young Caine: No.

    Master Po: Do you hear the grasshopper that is at your feet?

    Young Caine: [looking down and seeing the insect] Old man, how is it that you hear these things?

    Master Po: Young man, how is it that you do not?


    Master Kan: Quickly as you can, snatch the pebble from my hand.

    [Young Caine tries to do so and fails]

    Master Kan: When you can take the pebble from my hand, it will be time for you to leave.


    Master Kan: Avoid, rather than check. Check, rather than hurt. Hurt, rather than maim. Maim, rather than kill. For all life is precious, nor can any be replaced.


    Caine: Is it good to seek the past, Master Po? Does it not rob the present?

    Master Po: If a man dwells on the past, then he robs the present. But if a man ignores the past, he may rob the future. The seeds of our destiny are nurtured by the roots of our past.

  3. For years in FL, we always drew labs and the hospital accepted them. We had the option of doing it or not but if it was a cardiac patient, we had to do it. Yes, it takes a while for troponins to elevate but it was nice to have a baseline right away.

    What I don't like is how many of us think you just draw the rainbow in any order. I have asked many co workers and students what order to draw the blood in and they give me that blank stare. Just to test yourself for fun, how many of you know the correct order without looking it up? Don't cheat, admit it if you don't. I didn't for years but then I learned and changed my ways and YES it DOES matter what order they are drawn. Results can be skewed...

    In IV class I was taught Red Blood Gives Life to help remember red, blue, green and lavender in that order. I have had a paramedic tell me blue before red. Without looking it up I seem to recall that red is first for measuring clotting factor and that the chemicals in the other tubes could skew results if done before red. I am glad to be corrected! :D:D:lol::D:D:D:D:D

  4. When I worked in Denver it was protocol to draw a rainbow when you administered meds. We would tape the tubes to the IV bag and when we got to the hospital the Nurse would throw them away. It was a total waste of time.

    If there are any Denver area medics out there it would interesting to see if they still do it.




    I have seen paramedics draw the rainbow with and without administered meds. Have not yet seen them thrown away. I am a rookie Basic or basic Rookie. :D

  5. Colorado requires NR for state certification, at least for the new EMT-B. With state certification good for three years and NR good for only two it would seem to make more sense to tie them both together here. It is early though and I should probably start some coffee. :lol:

  6. I hate the return of long hair on boys! I go to my kids' jr. high and it looks like 1974 all over again. I get a #2, short, high & tight. easy to keep neat, even after wearing a helmet. Less 'bedhead' effect which seeks me out as its most favored victim. However, I am wearing mutton-chop sideburns for the first time in my life. Wife hates em. I love it.

    I resemble that statement! I was a sophomore in HS in '74. I would grow a pony tail now in a heart beat if I could. Number 0 on top and number 3 on the beard now. The Summit County EMS boys have the pony tails...................whatever happened to Summit? Why don't he post?

  7. A boycott is in order................think of all those "Mikeys" that were scarred for Life by that cereal commercial. B)

    All right I have probably seriously aged myself and should probably go before I further shat in my pants...... but I won't because it occurs to me that most every profession takes a turn at being the bad guy on TV. Let's not be too sensitive.

  8. :lol: Of course not!

    In pharmacology, most drugs have two names, a trade name and a generic name.

    For example, the trade name Tylenol has the generic name acetaminophen.

    Aleve is called naproxen. Amoxil is also called amoxicillin and Advil is

    also called ibuprofen.

    The FDA has been looking for a generic name for Viagra. After careful

    consideration by a team of government experts, it recently announced that it

    has settled on the generic name of mycoxafloppin. Also considered were

    mycoxafailin, mydixadrupin, mydixarizin, dixafix and of course, ibepokin.

    Also, in a surprise move, Pfizer Corp. announced today that Viagra will soon

    be available in liquid form that will be marketed by Pepsi Cola as a power

    beverage suitable for use as a mixer. It will now be possible for a man to

    literally pour himself a stiff one. Obviously, we can no longer call this a

    soft drink and it gives new meaning to the names of "****tails," "highballs"

    and just a good "stiff drink." Pepsi plans to market the new concoction

    under the trade name of MOUNT & DO.

  9. TJ83,

    What is the worst thing that could happen for you.........perhaps the dealers decide that you "know too much" and have become a "threat to their operation."

    If any of the IM Force are caught or killed.....the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. :shock:

  10. "7.) Researching this EMS company is a little more difficult as they dont have an internet page, and the last "new" thing I heard from this company was they chose a new EMS director last year. How do I mention this in the interview without looking like an idiot?"

    Don't mention it or worry about it.

    "Now my questions-

    6.) When asked if I have any comments, what should I say at this point? Often times my mind goes blank and I just kinda nod my head like a scared little kid"

    Thank them for interviewing you. Tell them you are excited about working for them and the opportunity to prove yourself and that "I want this job." Ask "when can I start?" Close with a firm handshake as your physical strength and confidence is one more way to show them that you are the one to hire. :D

  11. Alco that is great news! My recent interview included a 120 question multiple choice exam, physical with lift test and a cup to fill. As your interview is in the next county you may want to bring a change of clothes for the lift test if your interview wear is not suitable.

    I would recommend that you do not let on to any issues you may have with scheduling. Let them know you are totally flexible, willing to pay your dues and excited to work for them. It will be easier to negotiate your needs once you have an employee number. If the service has a website or other available resource then use it to learn about the company and then work that knowledge into either a question or response during your interview. Be early, be alert, have good posture, smile and thank them for the interview both before and after. Hearty good mornings to all employees and office personnel that you encounter as they may be an informal part of the interview process.

    Good luck! :|

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