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Everything posted by NNJEMT

  1. i remember reading about a study that showed how very young infants heartrates could be increased/decreased based on positioning. Tilting them head down, slowed the heart rate. Head up increased it and affected their respiratory process as well. Don't think you are going for anything as simple as this, but it might be helpful to position the infant head down and see if that slows the heart rate a bit and makes respiration more effective.
  2. It's the same DVD that is found in the Heartsaver AED program ... Haven't seen the Heartsaver CPR only DVD so can't comment on that one.
  3. Minimum 3 years as an EMT-Basic Approximately 60 hours of work as an Instructor Aide at an approved Training Center Recommendation from an approved EMT Training Center, Application, EMS (and other relevant experience) resume and two personal recommendation letters Successfully complete the Instructor Screening process (interview, assessment, mini presentation, written test) Attendance at the NJ DOH Instructor Training Institute ( 2 full weekends, course given 1 x per year) Another 60 hours of monitored training at an approved EMT Training Center. If you had a good experience at the training center where you took your class, go there and talk to the coordinator. If you know of another training center in your area that you think does "the best job" around with their training, go there instead.
  4. Some lower Bergen county (NJ) towns just implemented a third party billing process that generates revenue for the town to offset the town's funding a portion of the service. Sounds similar to others already reported in that insurance companies are billed, along with bills being sent directly to uninsured patients - however, there is virtually no follow up on unpaid, non insured bills. It was explained to me that if they only billed insured patients it would be considered some type of insurance fraud. The ambulance "corps" remains not for profit and the members who are not being paid (paid day crews, volunteer nights and weekends) are still eligible for ceu training via the training fund ...
  5. Did your exam results give you scores by categories? eg Trauma, Medical, OB, Airway?? If so, spend the most study time on the areas with the lowest scores. A lot of times that "failed by 1 pt is not really an accurate number - it just tells you that overall you failed the test. What I've been told about the NR exam is that it's not even the number of questions you get wrong, but the actual questions themselves are weighted and if you get too many of the "critical" questions wrong you get an overall failure in the category. Could someone else with more familiarity about the test confirm/negate this info? In any case, keep trying. The only people I know who have never passed the test are the ones who have given up trying - usually just after one or two attempts. All the people I know who initially had trouble, but were determined to pass - did so, by continuing to review the material and take practice tests.
  6. this one usually means "pain in the a$$"
  7. Perhaps they felt the administrative functions required to support the program weren't worth the dollar amount received? It takes a fair amount of tracking to determine who is eligible and who isn't and it all has to be auditable in the event that the town / township is ever required to validate the payouts.
  8. You must be at Belleayre ...
  9. Time to get some new equipment ... have old Hare's that need to be replaced. Use Sagers when working as a ski patroller, use Hare's for EMS. Right now, I'm leaning toward Sagers, but am looking for some other opinions to help my squad make an informed decision on the new equipment.
  10. This was my favorite: Pat was killed by zombies during the party and revived by the Ovu Mobani mask.
  11. I have both ... can't beat the Ultra for breathsounds, but I seem to do better for bp using the Littman.
  12. I have to agree with VillageEMT ... Paid / volunteer status has nothing to do with the quality of service you provide or the level of training attained. It's all about setting high standards and making sure everyone stays there. NJ is still fairly unique in the high volume of volunteer squads (BLS only care) with Paramedics based at hospitals and dispatched as needed. We don't charge, they do ... we transport, most of them don't. My squad has 4 fully equipped BLS rigs, and we have been known to be able to roll ALL of them at once - even during the daytime (yeah, I know it has to be a pretty juicy MVA to get them all out during the day...but it's been done). Based on our location and distance to nearest trauma center we also do a fair number of helicopter transports (3 in the last 2 weeks I think) and that is another charge for the patient, usually on top of the MICU charge.
  13. EMT-B on vol squad for 7 years, 17 years as a ski patroller ...
  14. We use the Opticom system in town for the only two lights we have that are right near our building. (We have a large coverage area ~80 square miles, but other than on the highway that runs through the township, there are virtually no traffic lights)... we are trying to get the system installed out on the local highway (4 lanes divided) to make it easier to cross over at the two main intersections we use when heading south to our primary hospital. Our ALS responders also use this as the same highway further south has 3 lanes both ways and is busier than up in my town. It's also installed on most of the firetrucks in our town and the surrounding towns.
  15. NNJEMT


    Medical oxygen is controlled by the FDA and as such is considered a "drug" by them. See this website for information on the handling of various "Medical Gases" of which oxygen is one. http://www.fda.gov/cder/guidance/cmgg89.htm#Drug_Cont This should provide more than enough info for a quick study card!
  16. I asked my squad members the same question this year when I became responsible for scheduling classes. In addition to ideas already mentioned, they came up with: Cold Weather Emergencies and Summer Emergencies (we have a lot of lakes in our area - they cause issues in both the summer and winter), Spinal Injury Management and Respiratory Emergencies - especially what to do if no ALS available to assist.
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