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About emtkat

  • Birthday 11/19/1986

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    North Carolina
  • Interests
    I love Photography!! I can't wait till I get the pro camera I want! =) lol.... and of course I love cats! hehe

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  1. Granted but it is ripped in half and you lost one piece I wish all the chores where done!
  2. Granted, but they charge $100 an hour I wish FireEMT would stop being a smart a**
  3. wish granted but you shoot yourself in the foot with it I wish I could speak french Granted but all they do is sit around and do nothing I wish I could speak french
  4. Wish granted but it rains all spring I wish I was a paramedic
  5. You have syrup but only 2 drops worth I wish life was easy!
  6. I wish we could have a cadet program around here! They keep trying to get it to work but unfortunately you need clinical time in the ER before you can complete the local emt class. Non of the hospitals locally will let you do your clinical unless you are 18 and older..... As far as having a student or less trained emt on the ambulance, my agency does it! But is has to be a crew of 3, 2 experienced emts and 1 student/noob. If they are a student, they can only do basic First Aid skills and the field report. If they are a noob, we start them off slow and easy, starting with vital signs, field report, Basic FA and then as time goes on and they prove themselves more they get to do more stuff! It is a great way to get knowledge and experiance..... Just dive in and learn all the hands on stuff you can (with close supervision of corse)!
  7. emtkat

    I spy game

    Feet or Foot.... (long shot.... since the feet are in the boots... but worth a try)
  8. emtkat


    LOL! Too funny! They did a good job on that
  9. OMG! How can the not have hurt! He didn't even scream in pain!! It was like he said, hmmm the glass broke... guess I should probably take that out (as he slowly pulls out the glass with no problem.)
  10. Welcome to the city Federico! I am an EMT-b in Washington, USA I hope you learn a lot and enjoy it here like I do. And if you have any trouble with English... spell check is a great tool to use! Don't forget to send some pasta over this way!
  11. You and me both girl!! MacGyver is sooooo Hot!
  12. Ok..... what happened to just MacGyvering it!!! I mean have you ever heard of improvise, overcome, and adapt!!?? If you where in a disaster situation, or even in the wilderness.... use what you have around you! I know MacGyver was only a TV show... but most of the stuff he did made since! Use your brain and think about what you have around you to work with [paper clip, pocket knife, gum raper (things MacGyver used)... lol].... yes some of those things you just can't improvise.... but if that is the case... maybe you shouldn't be useing it without the proper training or carry those items in a smaller kit. Any way that is just my thoughts
  13. Peow Peow my little meow meow

  14. Welcome to the city Isaac! I hope you enjoy and learn lots here! 8)
  15. 4.... I LOVE candy! How old were you when saw snow for the first time.....?
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