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Everything posted by Cheetah

  1. Hey everyone, been years since I have been here, but I back.
  2. I like my Magnum's. Even in an urban setting I spent alot of time walking though bent metal and glass, and on the sides of freeways. I vote for the boots. Shin guards ???????? No knee pads ??????? Chet
  3. Planning ahead I could use a date AT the expo Chet
  4. replied at TC Chet
  5. I think its the type of person that goes into EMS in the first place. The adventure type, the person who walks on the edge, pushes it to the limit. Think about what u do and see. Death, gore etc. The normal (if there is such a thing) person could not handle what we see or do. Thats why u see alot of EMS, Fire, Cops, that are into skydiving, X sports, and yes sex, etc. Deep inside you are saying "I can't happen to me". That my opinion so, take it or leave it. Chet
  6. Paragod? Did I hear someone call my name? Chet
  7. Sure bring it on, just might be interesting Chet
  8. So how do we change it. Chet
  9. Just got home from taking my NCLEX for nursing, and wow this has got hot. In my opinion some new textbooks, or just books on the subject are more than needed. They need to take EMS further than we are now. EMT and Medics are being called for things never thought of when this began. EMS has become a mobile house call if you will. Not that we will treat a great many of the things but we should have a good understanding of them. Money is important. I am returning to nursing because I make more money at it than paramedics do. I will most likely redo my paramedic lic but I too will not work full time. I would do it for the enjoyment I get from it (gets in the blood). I may go into EMS education. The current texts I have seen are written on a very low level compared to the other health professions. I think this needs to change for EMS providers to be seen on the same level as the others. Just my thoughts Chet
  10. Go for it. There is always a need for another point of view. Tons of books for ER Docs out there. Why not for medics? The career needs to grow. A thought, since many medics now work in EDs, why not a section on that specific to the ED. May the best book win. Chet
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