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Everything posted by unknown

  1. Or just call your Comm Spec and she can "TELL" you how to do it the redneck way!!!!!
  2. LOL!! Home Sweet Home-- Gotta love it!
  3. And as this flight nurses Comm Spec combined we could go on for eternity!!!!! We have been there and done that in the rural aspects for several years now haven't we?
  4. I'm at a loss for words here...... hhhmmm How does one justify this? Triage??!!!
  5. unknown


    That just aint American........... :pukeright: :pukeleft:
  6. Yes Have seen it several times but most interestingly was seeing blankets used for rapid extracation for years then seeing it show up in Phtls books............ amazing how things catch on befor you know it your news paper splints will be there too!!
  7. Yes Congrats!!!
  8. Congrat's! Two years of hard work has paid off!
  9. Now thats funny! LOL and I rest assured we probably don't want/need to know!
  10. :compress: :compress: :toothy10: :toothy10: :toothy7: :toothy7: :toothy8: :toothy8: :laughing8: :laughing6: :laughing5: :laughing4: :happy7:
  11. I can't speak for every system but I took both an ACLS and PALS class 2 years ago to obtain CEU's for my NREMT recert. I am only EMTB so this was new and very difficult informaiton for me to gleen but i read the books - and I passed the test. Turns out the Pre-test they gave was the Final test- so if you studied and passed the pre-test you made it through the rest easily. We also reviewed the test question for question so If you missed on the pre-test you had the chance to get the correct answer and understand why you missed. So I learned the to pay VERY close attention to the pre work your given before classes! ** for the record I am NOT ACLS nor am I PALS certified**** I simply have a certificate indicating I sat in class and passed a test for 16 CEU's each!!
  12. Congrats to all who passed. :lol:/ :thumbleft: I thought I would share my NREMT-B testing experience. I was a mother of 3 with a 2 year old going through the classes and I managed to pull off perfect attendance- not missing a single class or rotation shift. ( THAT was tough let me tell you!) The day of my testing I dropped my children of at a sitters house and Off to class I went for my test. I was the last one to arrive ( as was the norm I was ON time but RIGHT on time!) I sat in my set and was ready ( so I thought). The testing instructor looked at me and asked for my ID. Why no Problem! I reached into my purse for my wallet- I new I had it I had just purchased Subway for dinner for the kids prior to class. Well folks guess what? NO wallet! Yess it was GONE. My wallet- my Id, my kids ID Credit Cards Debit Cards and about 250. in cash-- GONE!!!! WHERE WAS MY WALLET! I went in to hysterics, I stressed and I spazzed. The instructor looked at me and said NO ID, NO TEST! NO TEST NO REFUND either! My class instructor came to my aid with a copy of my license out of my file- this was accptable to the Testing instructor HOWEVER they would not allow me to place a call to look for my wallet. I had to sit through the ENTIRE test stressing over wether or not I would find my wallet when it was all said and done. I figured I must have fell out of my purse in the parking lot of the Subway..... and if so its been long since found and gone!! So how do you think I did on my test? HOW would you have preformed on your test? I took the entire 2 hours allotted for my test and when I handed it in I sat back down and I cried. I bawled like a baby knowing I just blew the test due to the stress of my missing wallet, I couldnt focus on the TEST! Well come to be my wallet was in the diaper bag the whole time-safe and sound (but I didnt know that at the time!) and a week later we found out that out of 30 people testing 4 people passed the test. I had the 2nd to the highest score. ALL that and I still passed so I figured I would preform my best when the heat was on!!! Thats when we need to preform our best, right?
  13. I needed a good laugh-- I am really glad ya'll could comply!
  14. From my seat behind the console The Family members are my hands on scene. They may not know how to CPR but If I get a call like that on a witnessed colapse and no breathing... I am going to start pre-arrivales. NO- they don't all make it but you do what you must for the patient at that time. Often times when the family helps out they get a bettter undersatnding of the fact you did every thing you could from the very beginning.
  15. I learn something new every time I visit here! :wink:
  16. RSI is what this kid needs. Our flight crews are based out in the rural communities and on more than one occation when the weather was incliment they went by ground with a crew to offer evasive care to a criticle patient. Even as a basic provider this kids needs air way all I can offer him is two (yes it would be uncomfortable) NPA's and a non rebreather at 15 liters O2.
  17. :roll: What is this world comming to?
  18. Well darn it I didn't read down far enough---- HOWEVER-- I have had my flight crews meet and go by ground over long distance trips helping provide a higher level of care for the long ride-- still an option worth a call.
  19. I say Helicopter at this point! This kids needs intervention. Aggressive airway will be needed and due to the distance the time of travel and the govner on the ambulance-- where shall I have my crew meet your ground truck???
  20. You go girl-- I'll giggle with you! :wink:
  21. Ya know, I can't help but notice at this point the majority commenting is female.... hhmm I wonder why? It is funny- now isn't it!!
  22. And yet again- allow me to put my quote below to use........ :roll: :roll:
  23. SENTENCES! LOL! Somebody spells as bad as I do!!! :wink:
  24. Son I think your age speaks for its self on this one...
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