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Everything posted by unknown

  1. I didnt take the easy road out------ just because you disagree doenst mean you have to be hatefull about it-- thats all I am trying to say
  2. Used at all times and sencerly...... from the heart. Online or in person....
  3. How to be Tactful and treat others with common respect. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you?!
  4. I am with you annie!
  5. LOL!!! Well my bad for not noticing your not in USA as I am!! Yeah it's now 0530 I work night shift in dispatch tonight.... I get to go home in one hour and 30 min....
  6. Well I guess I was just looking for a little input, feed back, comments, FEELINGS on the subject... I guess.... Glad to see some on else on line at 4am.......
  7. Too much stress, TV, Video games, Computer time and not enough physical activity.
  8. Hmm Heres food for thought. It's been viewed 49 times and not one of those 49 folks had anything to say about it....... Just something for the next 49 viewers to chew on.....
  9. :oops:
  10. Oh pllleeaassseee!
  11. hhmmm silly me but where is this file?
  12. Nice.... real nice..... make the believers look reallll good........
  13. Or call for a Helicopter if your area calls for it...... As ours would most certainly....
  14. Just wondering how you made out with finding your senarios....
  15. I have found my local Fire Departments are a good resource for continuing education... but thats down here in the sticks of the Ozark Mountians!!
  16. Golden Hour is what we thrive on.... it's what HEMS does best. I can tell you there IS a significant diffence in the patients recovery, when we compair interfacility trauma transports verses from the scene transports straight to definitive care.......
  17. I don't have any suggestions on your pins but best of luck on your Graduation and Merry Christmas to you too!!
  18. used on a regular basis on our Helicopters..... Great success never hear a negative thing about them....
  19. Well.... You ain't experinced EMS in the back hills of the Ozark Mnts where IF a set of Mast pants was avalible half the responders wouldn't know what they where!! So sorry--- just going with what I have seen in action..... sometimes you gotta improvise and do whats best for the pt with what you've got to do it with. THIS is also why HEMS is used so much in my area. Local ER nothing more than a glorified First Aid Station-- even if the EMS went in route the ER Doc is calling for HEMS before the Pt makes it to the ER just from report given!! 1 1/2 hour trip to the closest Trauma center by ground....... 35 mins by air........
  20. AMEN!!!!
  21. I say medical Taxi..... it's a service here locally that is a money maker. Mostly medicaid and medicare transports.....
  22. I agree small and tastfull is key.. nothing wrong with showing your achivements as long as your not being gaudy and bragging about it........
  23. blanket/sheet is good stabilizer for the pelvis... slide it uder the pt carefully then use it like a large turniquet. (Pelvic area only!) Makes moving the pt to the back board eaiser as well. Mast takes too long. KTD for the femur.............
  24. Sure, can you state the MOI?
  25. Honey you go for it! Don't worry the rest just go for it and if your not cut out for it then at least you will look back on it and say-- hey I tried. Our lives are full and complete when we put our best foot forward and TRY. I have put my hand out to a few different things I thought I wanted to do... but I found it wasn't for me. I look back at it and I see that I am satisfied knowing I TRIED....... and I don't look at it as a failure I look at it as an adventure.... Sure my outlook is a bit different....... LOL I might be a little different but HEY my life is full and I am content and I promise you I don't live a boreing moment!!!!
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