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Everything posted by unknown

  2. Thank Goodness No one was Hurt in this crash. Thanks for the Updates guys. Keeps the mind at ease knowing whats going on, so we dont have to expect the worst......
  3. This opens up hurts that you would think had healed, how easy to Identify with this. I am very sorry to hear of your loss. My company lost three stellar flight crew members in December, just six short months ago. They where on a search mission to find a missing hunter, they found the lost man, and where hovering, flying in the general area so the ground rescuers could locate him. It was a shock and a big loss, the first deaths our company experienced. It is hard. But you will heal with time. Feel free to rant or vent. Send me a PM if you would like too. It's hard to belive six months have passed and now our industry looses 3 more stellar crew members........ RIP, you will be missed my many....
  4. There is something to be siad about those of us with nothing better to do at 2355 but to watch that link......
  5. Changes, 3 Doors Down
  7. Pedestal ~ Fergie Who are YOU And What do you do To think your above me But have you Walked in my Shoes
  8. Islands In the Stream......Kenny and Dolly
  10. :oops: Its the ring tone on my phone!!
  11. I applaude you Tonya!!
  12. unknown

    Mind Game

    I had an Alpaca eating Acia friut in Dominica!! Dwayne you have me stumped. How did you come up with Ethiopia and Kiwi??? :shock:
  13. Jake I see and feel what Spenac is getting at here. I serve these area's every day/night I work. Small Rural Counties with just the County seat centrally located serving a vast area from one location with a hand full of Volunteer units available..... That's why we fly so much in these area's. Then we get slammed with the "over use and abuse of Helicopters" well what do you do when the only ALS response available is coming with that air craft? Happens too much too often. Spenac if you get a good response out of this write up a plan of action I can give you SEVERAL county seats to present it to!
  14. I haven't posted very much here of late nor have I commented much or visited the chat room. Mostly in part of what this thread is addressing. Which brings to my mind something I want to say but thats for another post all it's own........... Too much negativity goes on here and it's always the SAME people. EVERY time I post the SAME people with jump on my wagon and weigh me down. I just got tired of the biased crap. Every level of care has its place. And yes that stated above by MedicNorth is most certainly correct. Like a paramedic is going to run on calls for Free or for a small nominal fee offered per call? I didn't think so.
  15. unknown

    Mind Game

    MIND GAME 2% or 98% This is strange...can you figure it out? Are you the 2% or 98% of the population? Follow the instructions! NO PEEKING AHEAD! * Do the following exercise, guaranteed to raise an eyebrow. * There's no trick or surprise. * Just follow these instructions, and answer the questions one at a time and as quickly as you can! * Again, as quickly as you can but don't advance until you've done each of them ... really. * Now, scroll down (but not too fast, you might miss something). Think of a number from 1 to 10 Multiply that number by 9 If the number is a 2-digit number, add the digits together Now subtract 5 Determine which letter in the alphabet corresponds to the number you ended up with (example: 1=a, 2=b, 3=c,etc.) Think of a country that starts with that letter Remember the last letter of the name of that country Think of the name of an animal that starts with that letter Remember the last letter in the name of that animal Think of the name of a fruit that starts with that letter Are you thinking of a Kangaroo in Denmark eating an Orange? I told you this was FREAKY!! If not, you're among the 2% of the population whose minds are different enough to think of something else. 98% of people will answer with kangaroos in Denmark when given this exercise. Keep this message going. This one is actually worth sending on to others. Forward it to people you know so they can find out if they are usual or unusual.
  16. Big Girls Don't Cry~ Fergie
  17. =D> =D> =D> Very Well Put suzeg487. I applaude you!
  18. Is it just me, or does anyone else see something wrong here? IF you have heard this same ole story time and again……then WHY I ask you is it happening TIME AND AGAIN? Hhhhmmm just a thought. Again, just pointing out the obvious. AND as far as what happened, thanks to Early Activation an Aircraft had already been launched and was 5 minutes out. What was a mention of “cancel that air craft this one can go by ground” just became a “thank GOD this one needs to go straight to the vasculiar surgeon”. As for what we did, it was the Popliteal artery BEHIND the Knee so yes direct pressure was applied the knee was bent to raise the laceration …… And as for YOU Asysin……well I will refrain from what I REALLY want to say out of respect for others…
  19. I made the clerk mad. He said I had too many books pulled and was sitting there for too long. I told him I had driven 2 hours and at the price of the books I would pull as many and sit as long as I darn well pleased until I decided which one I wanted. I made my choice paid $ 37 and some change for it then I sat my self BACK down and continued to read. I figured if he was gonna call me a B*@# i had better live up to it!! (and for the record I put EACH and every book I didn't purchase, BACK where i found it)
  20. transphosphorylation =20 letters antidisestablishmentarianism = 28 letters...... SO sorry Lone!!!!
  21. You know what Asysin? You make my blood boil. I am not nor did I claim to be anything special, I was asked a question and I gave the honest answer. So why in the world do you want to go back and slam me like that? This thread was a good one until you just had to put your trash in! I WAS ASKED A QUESTION!! If the one who asked me the question had an issue with my answer then allow them to respond but you need to BACK OFF! All you are trying to do is stir crap and throw mud! And why me? YOU have done this to me many times! And you know what Asysin? It does not’ say very much about you at all. Gives us a good insight of what and who you are. I have NO respect. YEP ZERO respect for you for taking this stance. I am sorry if my medics failed to notice. I didn’t do it! I did not ask for it to happen that way! I wish it could have been different, and for their sake I wish they would have been the ones to notice BUT THEY DIDN’T!! I never said or insinuated that they where bad medics. I never gave the presence that they couldn’t do their job with out me. I just was going with the flow of Mistakes can and do happen, and in this case I caught it. If you read back over all the other postings, you will see where Jess started with the “questions” all I did was include that I had used this approach not to question my medics ability but to just ask the obvious that was being over looked. Don’t jump down my throat and diss me because I was in this position. Keep your cheap Pot Shots to your self! Now, earlier AK said my posting was “wrought with emotion” well that posting wasn’t, BUT THIS ONE IS!!! Are all ya’ll happy now?!
  22. unknown

    Song Game

    I concur
  23. transphosphorylation common folks I was just getting started, don't quit now!!
  24. LONE!! Man we are really gonna start worry'in about ya!! WRONG FORUM!!!! LOL @ you Lone!!
  25. unknown

    Song Game

    "The Cowboy Rides Away" - George Strait Littlest Cowboy Rides Again~Chris Ledoux HHmm Steph Dear.... I am not following how your song follows the rules to the game? Maybe I am missing something you can explain??
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