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Everything posted by unknown

  1. unknown

    Song Game

    20th Century Boy~Deff Leppard
  2. I agree on no 10 codes. They mean different things in different areas....
  3. unknown

    Song Game

  4. I work in such a dispatch center Brent. EmtB gets 2 dollars an hour more........
  5. unknown

    Song Game

  6. unknown

    Song Game

  7. unknown

    Song Game

    Tennessee Girl ~Sammy Kershaw
  8. unknown

    Song Game

    Ok back to the regular scheduled Postings! Mississippi~ Sheryl Crow, Charlie Daniels, Bob Dillon among others......
  9. unknown

    Song Game

    I LOVE Mississippi Squirrel Revival!!
  10. unknown

    Song Game

    Love Be Heard~Patty Griffen
  11. unknown

    Song Game

    I Heard You ~ Good Charlotte
  12. unknown

    Song Game

    Midnight in Montgomery~ Alan Jackson
  13. unknown

    Song Game

    What You gonna do with a Cowboy~ Garth Brooks & Chris Ledoux Cowboy rides Away~ George Strait
  14. I honestly have NO COMMENT! However YES the thought process is there...... WTF! People!
  15. unknown

    Song Game

    Mama he's Crazy~ The Judd's And LONE you are correct Kenny Rogers Never recorded I will always love you which WAS written by Dolly Parton for Porter Wagoner........
  16. Birds of like feather flock together..........
  17. Develope your own system. This is where your EMTB could be handy. Yes even in the dispatch center a good basic level of medical care comprehension is a good key to getting more vital pt information to the units in route- so they may have a better understanding of what is going on with the patient. EMD protocols should be a must. You don't want a hand full of fire monkeys sitting around with a phone in one hand spouting 10 codes in the radio that is held in the other. Make sure they are all very well trained and know what they are doing. Monthly protocols test even for dispatch. Academy for the dispatch as well- Pass or fail. You don't pass the Academy you don't work for us. Make the Academy real time with tuff scenarios. Hold their feet to the fire. If they can make it through the Academy they will make it through any thing in the com center. If they lack common sense or if they can not multitask then they are booted!! Quarterly recurrent training Pass Fail! Required Ride time to go along with that quarterly training. As an EMTB they would be required to use there basic skills to assist on any call they responded with. If they can't hang with the crews out in the field then they don't need to be in the Comm Center. Make them experience the ground crews jobs 10 fold. They must be required to assist with every aspect of the job for a full 24 hours. If they gripe about it then they can walk. Your end result? A Communication Specialist with a full understanding of how it feels to be in that truck running a call- what kind of information is needed from the dispatch to the crew and a good ground level of medical understanding to assist in the best way possible. I would highly recommend making radio communications a vital part of the Academy. Make sure they know the equipment and the basic level of how radio communications work. Just my four cents.
  18. NNoooooo I work in a nice cozy climate controled basement hidden away from the world but we could use your sense of humor around to keep us lively!!
  19. Yes, They will happen, it is unavoidable. We can be the safest and do every thing by the letter and something can and will happen it seems........... Prayers for a speedy recovery of and and YES thank God no one was killed.
  20. And this is a bad thing????
  21. Hey Lone wanna come work with me?!
  23. A very near and dear friend of mine is a flightmedic- a damn good clinician as well- knows his stuff inside and out. He also works a ground unit as a medic part time. His bread a butter are his medic jobs. His passion? For the past 16 years he has served on the Rural fire department in his local town, as a Battalion Chief he responds to fire calls on his off days. His fire and medic positions are separated one from the other. That is the key thing. He does not worry about fire when he is flying or on the ground truck but I promise you as a Firefighter he would be the first to start rendering Pt care should he be on the scene of a fire and someone be hurt. That would be the Firemedic that is not a scab. If you can provide care on that kind of level and keep it separated then you have your priorit straight. Note that the medic side comes first and foremost here as well. Maybe you should seriously think about your position. Quality pt care comes when you put the patient care part first and foremost. Not second best. If firefighting is your love in life then go fight fires. If being a paramedic is your love in life then great! Volunteer for fire in your down time...........but focus on that patient care or you are no good to any one as a medic.
  24. I havent found many that DONT have that sick twisted demented weird sense of humor yet!!
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