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Everything posted by unknown

  1. Oh my. Lots of opions here. I went to emt school as an adult and a mother of 3. The course I took included highschool kids. There where day classes and night classes. Day class was the teenagers in school night classes where the adults. I must say, our combined classes and manditory study sessions where hell. The adults and the kids where on different levels across the board. I was infuriated on a number of times of what I felt like was being held back by the younger group. What could have been accomplished in 6 months was stretched to 9 months. After all was said and done not many of the kids passed, they had to retest some of the multiple times. One even took the entire emt-b course a second time. When asked WHY he did it all over again? (he is currently a coworker of mine in dispatch) his response was that he felt that he wasnt mentally or emotinally prepared the first time around and he lacked maturity he felt was needed for the seriousness of the job. Now those are not MY words, that is from the voice of experience, one who took the class in high school himself. I just thought I would share his experience with you. Hope it does give you a little bit to think about. AND for the record this was a votec/technical program..........
  2. Now thats Hard core EMS talking!!!
  3. I would be in for St Louis or Kansas City. Dang I drove to Kansas City Just Yesterday. Just let us know in advance so I can get the days off....... I wonder if Joansghost and Firepatrol have seen this...........
  4. Oh and It can make your life HELL!!!! :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire:
  5. I have a feeling Richard Watches WAY too much TV!!!!
  6. Ya know just as much could be said about the MEN too!! hhmm Let me see if I can revise this...........
  9. Could be why that TV show died out. Commercial didn't bother me, didn't really make me laugh either. What about the commercial where the EMS crew stops at the ATM to allow the patient to get cash?
  10. I'm 25%! YOU ARE NORMAL. YOU KNOW HOW TO HAVE FUN BUT DONT GO OVERBOARD. YOU PROBABLY HATE WHACKERS AND SEE THEM ALL THE TIME. And for Ruffs Test I scored 26-- But I don't have a light one on my car. My decal is a requirment for work. I collect EMS T shirts but I really don't parade them around..... Yes I own a Littman- and a good one.
  11. Ok I see the point being made here. I know of something close to this happing in another state on the law enforcement side of things. Seems to me that if you moved, and didn’t renew in that state but got a license in another state, how does the state you where originally licensed in know? Maybe that particular EMT moved to another state and now has a new job licensed as an EMT in a new state. How does the state of New Jersey know this? Think of how many people, EMT’S live in Jersey. Saw it happen to a law enforcement individual who was licensed law enforcement. They where employed part time in state B and lived just over the state line in state A. When they stopped working part time in state B, they never bothered renewing licensures and state B was going to PRESS CHARGES! For impersonating a law enforcement officer! It took some calls and confermation through the local DA but he got it straighten out.
  12. The father of my children was not into EMS. As a matter of fact, he made fun of it in the most horrible way. I got so sick of it. Laughing at first responders and Volly Fire Fighters. Being extremely derogitive towards me and my work. He wanted to know the life history of every person I worked around or with. He didn't want to hear about my calls I ran NOR did he want me to talk to friends about the calls I ran. He expected work to stay at work and that meant if I was stress from bad runs or bad calls, TOO BAD!! Leave it at the door, come home smiling and happy feed him and clean the house do his laundry pay his bills and go agin. NOT!!!! Lets not forget the extreme jealousy that he portrayed. He did NOT want me around any man what so ever and I was accused of all sorts of stuff with every person imaginable. It became the most horrilble of existence. Some thing had to change, and so Change I did!! It's not always peaches and cream..... some say don't marry inside EMS, I say get some one that at least understands what is going on!!
  13. unknown

    EMS music

    HE abviously is not a Kyle FM fan!!!
  15. ](*,) ](*,) yellow bile
  16. ecdysis
  17. yperite
  18. tractotomy
  19. sternoclavicular
  20. sain
  21. edit
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