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Everything posted by unknown

  1. yonker
  2. myelopoiesis
  3. That was the intent, a good laugh!
  4. luekocytic I hearby CHALLENGE you all NOT to repeat a word!!!!!! No repeats!!
  5. exophthalmia
  6. AND the majority of the people working this back breaking job? The poverty level or below... Unless once in a blue moon they are lucky enought to encounter some one like Wendy who has compasion and wants to make a difference in that level of health care, and she makes peanuts trying to do it............
  7. OH MAN where do I start? First of all, Brent I was under the impression You where an EMT B? I am too, was required for the position I hold dispatch or not. HHmm, YUP they did a criminal back ground check on me before I was issued a license and so, well, that means EMS could have criminal backgrounds too, just like the cops, just like the dispatchers, and teachers and janitors, school bus drivers.............ok I will stop. We all know that. We all get that point. UMM I am not impressed by this statement, actually somewhat appalled. Are you a parent if you don't mind me asking? In a perfect world we all have perfect children however there are cases where even the Best parents need help with troubled kids. Do you know what Milk use to do to my child? Caused her to go nothing short of psychotic. Yes. Odd medical anomaly at best, it took years of frightful frustrating episodes of manic breakdowns and terror fits before we found this out. ( She also has a MEDICAL diagnosis of a Behavioral disorder to boot) There was a time or too I was on the verge of calling 911 because my darling little girl was not only hurting herself but me as well as I tried to calm her down out of her rage. I have had to take her to the doctor once for sedation. I was thinking after that trip, I should have had her transported in a safer manner- possibly via ambulance where she could have been properly restrained. I did what I could do at the time. End result was a mass of bruises that I got investigated over. Even the Social Services Case worker asked "Why didn't you just call for help?" Now. What if I did? Nice REAL Nice. Love that compassion that is coming from you. So I suppose a psych patient is to be left alone to destroy themselves no matter what the case. Cause HEY why bother you with it- your just going to laugh about what a mess they are and how they are a waste of your time. That news article didn't state why or what the circumstances where behind the childs erratic behavior. Just like the media to do that. Never do get the whole truth. Please forgive me, as a mother who has been there done that, I am greatly saddened at the responses I have seen here.
  9. Folk's this was my response on another forum in light of what we do in rural america I wanted to share here. To many just don't understad why we do what we do, or how. Memberships and Insurance, two different things. When people get the mind set that they are purchasing an Insurance program, they need to read the brochure before they sign it. Memberships are just that, to be a member of an air ambulance program. The memberships do more than just provide a “Free Ride”. A membership program provides a medical helicopter to a rural area like BFE USA where it is 3+ hours to definitive care and most of the population is poverty level at best. Is it fair for those people to not have a higher level of care at there fingertips? For a nominal fee of, Oh lets just take a stab, $65.00 Dollars a year, ALL family members that legally reside at that residence would be provided with air transport for injuries or illnesses that are LIFE or LIMB threatening or that would lead to permanent disability. The more members the more funds to keep these lifesaving helicopter crews in the RURAL BFE USA areas that they are needed in. Flights for patients going BACK to a nursing home?! Never should happen membership or not and that is a practice that makes the good programs look horribly bad! Air Ambulance services should not be abused. Life or Limb threatening or that would lead to permanent disabilities. Valuable resources are being wasted EVERY day by ER doctors and ground crews because they don’t want a patient to die in their ER or they don’t want to travel 3 hours by ground with a patient on the vent, only to drive 3 hours back to the service area. So many variables play into the Membership program that is not all bad on the Flight Program’s behalf. Yes there will be days where the weather is inclement, or the resources are not available. Downsize the FLEET? Medical Helicopter every 50m in Mississippi? Man I don’t know where you get your facts from but allow me to help you out here a little. Mississipi: Starkville might have a helicopter in that area, Tupelo has N MS Air and Jackson has Air Care, Air Evac has Batesville and Corinth, along with 2 in Alabama that are close enough to fly in, one in Arkansas that is able to fly in. Wing can fly in out of Memphis area. Don’t know what's down in the Delta or southern area but do the math. That’s not very many and certainly not one for every 50 miles. Arkansas: Eagle Med = 2 helicopters Rogers and—well ok now just 1 Russelville closed! Medflight = 1 Baptist in Little Rock Angelflight = at least 1 maybe 2 Childrens in Little Rock. Wing In Memphis Tn: 1 that is avalible out of Memphis Area to fly into Arkansas Air Evac: 8 in state, 3 that are close enough to fly into for mutal aid Jonesboro, Springdale, Mountain Home, Paris, Vilonia, Harrison, Marianna, De Queen, West Plains, MO, Poplar Bluff Mo, Batesville MS. Ok with that said, think about this. Clear Blue 22 day in rural Arkansas. Folks out on those motorcycles and atv’s (no helmet law in AR) out hiking in those beautiful Mountains and hills, rafting on the many rivers, fishing on the many many lakes. 12 flight request 8 for trauma (head injury or partial amputation ect) 4 medical (AMI, CVA, Aneurysm and GI Bleed) all calls being placed in a total of 25 minutes. Ok well we know that Air Evac has 8, Eaglemed can cover 1, pull Wing over from Memphis for another, Childrens wont fly none of them are pediatric, Medflight is down for routine maintenance, so lets pull from the Neighboring states for the other 3. Did I mention that it has only been 25 minutes? OH CRAP! My phone is still ringing! So sorry, I DON’T have a helicopter for you. I am sorry that you are 3.5 hours from Little rock with that CVA patient on the VENT ( oh what’s that- you have NO NEURO today?) and your ONLY ALS crew will be out of pocket for the day on this transfer! I face this EVERY day I work and I know for others it is just as frustriating. I have seen the membership program work, and I have seen it being abused. It is only as good as the EMS world as a whole working together to use it as it should be. I embrace what I do and I believe in the company I work for. We do offer memberships and we always are turning down flights due to, not enough air craft. Just my four cents.
  10. epiphysiolysis
  11. yataghan
  12. Well Dust My applogies, I missed that part. I would remove my post if I could but I am afraid that it's too late, and at least I was "just lucky" not to be alone in the mistake.
  13. tracheobronchial
  14. Well Dust Excuse me, especially due to the fact it says nothing about "only Candnadians" Also allow me to add that up to the point I posted 24 different post's where made by individuals not in canada. So why sight what I did as wrong? Just curious.
  15. Well I can atest to that, I don't drink much nor do I drink often. SOOO as a few of you witness, it doesn't take very much to make me silly...... and I always sleep REALLY well. For a long time. But I never make it through enough Booze to feel sick THANK GOODNESS!!!
  16. capsulotomy
  17. dorsalis
  18. Ok, ~edit~ Never mind.
  19. nasopharyngoscope
  20. Yes it was medically necessary, Yes the patient was fine, Yes it was a freak weather situation that was unsuspected and the Pilot was being safe on his decision to land and not continue.
  21. ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) may I? xanthelasma
  22. Test Your Ability
  23. culex
  24. Well Dust allow me to re-word my response. "Where am I from" I am from Tennessee born and raised north east of Nashville in Hendersonville, Sumner county. However I live and work in South Central Missouri. I am 12 miles north of the Arkansas boarder. Now does that make more sense?
  25. Yes your right pretty judgmental and shame on me. Shame on VS and he knows why I said that about him. He knows what he said to and about me in the chat room that night.
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