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  1. The service I train with has a dispatcher that has shown up to work drunk. This is was one of her heavily intoxicated nights. Dispatcher (600): 6769 could you go to XXXstreet for..... Truck 6744: Ah 600 we don't have a truck 6769, but we'll take that call Dispatcher (600): Ah....OK...Thanks 6744
  2. Awesome! I'll have to get some pics of mine for ya. Most of them are funny.
  3. Well if your watch will cover it then I wouldn't worry about it. Sounds like a cool tattoo!
  4. The service I train with doesn't want any tattoos showing at all. They consider it unprofessional. If the line of text is small enough you could just wear a watch over it. I have several tattoos, luckily they are all in places that would be covered while I'm in uniform anyway. If you don't mind me asking, what text are you getting?
  5. living in fargo....i say that everyday!!!!!
  6. haha i love it!!!
  7. OK this poses another question. Should this service even be allowed to have a paramedic training program? I have seen times when the medics didn't like a student for whatever reason and didn't let them do anything but check vitals. How are they supposed to get their DOT requirements done? I have seen times too when the medics didn't like a student and had actually gotten them kicked out of the program. The instructors of this program had all worked for the service prior to becoming instructors and, thus, stand behind the paramedics. Complaining to the instructors doesn't do any good. It's not fair to the students.
  8. I might just be ignorent, but isn't there supposed to be some camradarie among EMS personnel? The service I am currently doing my training with has none! The medics all backstab and bitch about each other. Some of the medics are just a-holes in general. This is my first experience in EMS and it is starting to make me reconsider my career choice. This service provides a wide variety of training from CPR to a paramedic program. I'm not sure they should be training paramedics. There have been several times when a student has done something wrong, whether it be sitting in a chair at post reserved only for the paramedics or failure to do a thorough assessment. Instead of discussing it with the student they will email or talk with the program instructors and the entire class will get yelled at. I'm sorry but if your training a student isn't it your job to tell them what they are doing wrong and discuss it with them? Please tell me this isn't how all paramedics act? I think it is setting a bad example for all of the students going through this program.
  9. sounds like my relatives!! HAHA!!
  10. funny stuff!!
  11. loved it!! HAHA!!!
  12. you should be able to be certified at the end of your class. i'm in paramedic school right now and i would suggest working as an emt prior to starting paramedic training. a good anatomy and algebra class won't hurt either.
  13. we were called to an asthmatic male patient. on arrival we realized he wasn't asthmatic just drunk. we got him in the back of the truck and i started doing vitals. after i had finished the patient clutched his chest and asked me to check his pulse again. when i did he started stroking my hand and stared at me with this huge grin on his face. my partner was laughing his ass off!! then the patient asked me to check his blood pressure again. when i did he faked passing out....right on me!! i pushed him away and did the sternal rub to "wake" him back up. when we got to the hospital my partner said if a patient rubs your hand it's ok to kiss him on the cheek. i got so much grief for that call!
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