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Adam Swartz

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About Adam Swartz

  • Birthday 09/06/1985

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    EMS of course and Horses

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  1. I for instance now have cancer in my abdomen and am missing my colon, appendix, gallbladder. I have a genetic abnormality that caused all this. I have both Stage IV colon cancer w/mets to the pancreas and I also have Stage IIIB Sarcoma in the luq. The odds of two primary cancers with separate metastases is 16% or less. Sarcoma is 1% of cancers diagnosed and my tumor is, .1% of Sarcoma with only 1 diagnosis of the tumor per 3-4 million people. In regards to palpation of the abdomen and knowing what you're feeling my abdomen would throw you off. You can guess where my pain is from based on history. My tumor is generally not palpable unless you deeply palpate and if you do that you should expect a rather loud scream. Apologies if I went to far off topic.
  2. I'd definitely agree with Island EMT on that one. It's possible that they're still working but probably not the same service. Best of luck to you in your search.
  3. Dear FB Friends. . . . Watch your wall. Tell your friends . . . Hackers are now on FB writing insults on your friends' walls, such insults of which are made to appear as having come from you. You don't know nor see it but your friends do. As a result, they have deleted you from their list of friends. I want to assure you that if you get something supposedly from me that's offensive, it certainly didn't come from me. Copy and re-post PLEASE

  4. Bored, so who wants to go out tonight for food? In LA.

  5. Today is chemo round 1!!!!!

  6. Dear California and LA County EMS, Why must you make reciprocity such a nightmare? LA County Scope of Practice Class? Joy joy joy. Hope to get reciprocity soon. Maybe 2 weeks til the next class and then go and apply with LA County for my Cert. Then get an interview with Americare ambulance.

  7. submitted an application to americare ambulance out of carson for an EMT-B position.

  8. Call the oncologist first thing in the AM when I get up to see what he wants to do for this. Today the white count was up to 12.9 with a very minor left shift. Probably do more labs tomorrow to see where the white count is. Hope everybody has a good night.

  9. Well dinner decided to come back up. Dammit. Hope that is it for puking. We'll see how the night goes.

  10. At the oncologist for treatment and have an awesome view of Santa Monica.

  11. Well taxes are done. Thank God.

  12. Lunch but what to eat?

  13. be careful dammit out there

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