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Adam Swartz

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Everything posted by Adam Swartz

  1. As I just passed my NREMT-B Written today I think I will take a crack. If I was ALS my first thing is ABC= does he have an airway. If so lets get Oxygen on him NOW. Second lets get him on a full twelve lead. What meds did the Endoscopy center give him for sedation? I have had one every year and normally get a mix of Demerol, Versed and also Benadryl. Now I am under general anaesthesia. Is he having any pain? If so my guess is a possible perforation of the colon leading to severe pain and SOB due to that in addition to the sedation received at the endoscopy center. Also does he have any other symptoms. Any hx of Asthma? With the hx of COPD would an Albuteral 2.5 ml neb help? Or do we need to be ready to intubate? Also did they find polyps? Biopsies can bleed and occasionally severely. Lets get hauling to the hospital. Lets get an IV established and push D5 at TKO or if available lets put in a lock. Thats my opinion.
  2. Toby, Welcome to the city. Do you have a website for them. My .02 cents is to go through the local college. Just my thoughts.
  3. In my opinion there really isn't much more you can do that I'm aware of. Have you expressed your concerns to all parties you're allowed to? Maybe talk to the county if the nurse isn't helping out as much as you want? What about talking to the homecare nurse and see what she can do? Just my thoughts. Otherwise I don't really know what you're able to do at this point. Eventually something will be done.
  4. www.idph.state.ia.us/ems That is the link for the State of Iowa beauro of EMS.
  5. Same question that Lone Star had as well. Why didn't you take the test with the rest of you class? If you were indeed at the top of your class you should have had no problem testing at the time. Also you should check with your instructor about this. We are only able to help you based on the information you are giving us. If you want my opinion here it is. Get ahold of your instructor and ask him what you should do. My advice would be to re-take the class and test with them.
  6. I passed my NREMT-B Practical Exam. I am really happy again.

  7. I passed my NREMT-B Practical Exam. I am really happy again.

  8. I passed my NREMT-B Practical Exam. I am really happy again.

  9. I always try to stop. As long as I feel safe doing so. Figure there is a reason I am going into ems. I have stopped to help a stall and wound up helping a guy bleeding to death down 40 feet from the interstate in the woods. Talk about a shock. Fell from a deer stand.
  10. My first call during clinicals was put out as a cardiac or respiratory arrest. Turned out to be a DOA. Guy hung himself then two adolescents found his body and called us. Second call that day was for a 49 year old fall victim unable to walk.
  11. Mobey, My condolonces to you and your entire family. I had to watch my grandma on both sides die of differen conditions. My moms mom died from Hodgkins in 2005. My dads mom died last June while I was in Basic class and one week before I was admitted to the hospital with pancreatitis. I can only imagine the pain and heartache you must be going through. As we say in Judaism, refuach shlema. The only thing that I can say is that hopefully your daughter comes through it ok. Adam S.
  12. How is the weather in Texas Sir?

  13. I wish they would bring Paramedics on Discovery health back as well. They brought back Code Blue and Trauma life in the ER.
  14. I see it at 1300 and 2100 on retro tv. Only when I am at my grandpa's because i have sattelite but he has cable. They need to make Retro Tv available on sattelite. I sent them an email but no reply.
  16. How old are his kids? Also was there anybody there to watch the kids? If he left the kids alone depending on age one could face severe punnishment for leaving the kids.
  17. As I said. that was what a friend said. Not my opinion. The reason I bring it up is based on the question of how far away the hospital is? If it's close enough wouldn't it be better for bls and transport asap than wait?
  18. Well let me ask this one. A friend of mine told me once that instead of waiting give the patient good ole' diesel therapy. Just my two cents anyway. Go Code 3 to the hospital and get the Definitive care asap.
  19. I was about to ask the same question. My condolences to all families involved.
  20. Ok so I was reading an article on EMS1.com and was wondering what you guys have as a injury or as a medical complaint. I know I get dehydrated easily. I have a few bicycle wrecks under my belt. So how's about you folks.
  21. I bet she will get laughed out of the court room.
  22. I didn't even know that they still did the first responder course. I as well would recommend the EMT-B course. It will not only help your resume' but will also allow you to do more.
  23. I think that it is proof of how screwed up the current Health Care System is as a whole. What needs to happen when they fix the healthcare system is start at the bottom. Has anybody ever thought about the fact that maybe the hospital's give them the info but don't offer these people a way to get there? Or they see them soo much that they don't feel like helping them at all anymore? We need to fix the system and stop just bandaging it. To fix it though you need a strong foundation that will not collapse with each additional floor that is added. Thanks for letting me rant, Adam Swartz.
  24. Why am I going to go into this crazy world of EMS starting this fall? I wonder sometimes. Yes I think that we all are a little crazy. I think one of the big reasons for me is that I would like to give back to this community. Yes I know that is what everyone say's. I also enjoy helping people. I am starting my training this fall at Mercy College of Health Sciences this fall. My grandfather is a semi-retired Cardiologist and I think that influenced me some as well. I am very excited to start.
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