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Adam Swartz

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Everything posted by Adam Swartz

  1. I live in Waukee how about you? I have hit 7 deer since August of 2008. I drive a Black 2008 Kia Rio that seems to be a deer magnet.
  2. I have a 2008 Kia Rio LX/SX. My mother got it for my last birthday. I have hit 3 deer and rear ended a guy on accident with it. Also gone mudding in it. It had 0 miles when I got it. Now has 26,000 miles.
  3. Is it possible that the ex-employees were forced to resign for doing truthful and accurate documentation? :iiam: Reason I ask is that this case involves proper documentation that tipped off investigators to the fact that the upper management were committing these crimes? Then the ex-employees just verified what the investigators knew. Just my thoughts on this. :iiam:
  4. Not guilty Have you ever wondered what your purpose in life is aside from EMS?
  5. Not Guilty Have you ever been a patient and wanted to scream from pain because a medic wouldn't treat it?
  6. Why don't they bring back shows like "Trauma Life in the ER" "Paramedics" or something like that. I enjoy watching those re-runs. I understand the Hippa but they did it before why not do it again. People sign waivers. It shows what really happens. Not just the drama but the fact that Code's don't always turn out for the better. Keep it real.
  7. Why is this is the "Funny Stuff" forum? Where are the Paramedics when needed? ;) ;) :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  8. What happened the first time around? Anthony the first time around I forgot to verbalize the BVM on High flow 02 in our pre-clinical competency. As far as I am aware there are the 3 main college employee instructor's. I also know that I am not as worried on skills as last year. I hope to be able to help with them a bit this year. I always offer to volunteer my body ans sanity as a patient. Last basic class that just finished I decided to volunteer myself and car for PHTLS Rapid Extrication. We have a few adjunct skills instructors'. Thanks for the replies folks.
  9. Ok so I am re-taking my Basic this summer at Mercy College of Health Sciences in Des Moines IA. My question is this. I was told that there might be 60 or so students. Don't quote me on that. What are your guy's and gal's opinions on this? I am not that worried but still I hope that this doesn't affect the skills lab. Last summer there were less than 20 of us.
  10. IT HURTS............ WOw what an IDIOT. Wonder if he is in Iowa? IOWA = Idiots out wandering around.
  11. I know that here in Des Moines we have an accelerated 3.5 week EMT-B starting June 2nd and ends the 25th of July. The last month is clinicals. It is at Mercy College Des Moines.
  12. "I was crying by the end" My sentiments as welllll.... I really feel for judge 3. Did He die?
  13. Nice. Guess I am a bit late in reading but still that is awesome.
  14. All I can say is WOW!!! That looks a bit like the MRX. Very tough.
  15. I think it's called the critical hour. It was done both in Toronto and in Baltimore at shock trauma.
  16. I think that we all can agree on one thing here. This guy is better stocked than some ambulances. However what doctor in there right mind would give him all of this stuff? Also how did he get all the ETT tubes and the IV stuff and so on and so forth? Can we say DEA NOW!!!! Hmm sounds like an idiot going to jail. Even as a medic I don't know that many people would want the responsibility of keeping that in there personal posession. Seriously all the paperwork and the cost. WTF WTF WTF WTF?????!!!!!! :rolleyes:
  17. The skywalk in question was built in 1960 and has never had an issue. I walked it on a daily basis. From what I understand from a friend of mine the kids were shoving each other and the one fell through then his friend tried to catch him but instead fell as well. This is going to be an interesting debate about the remodel this year that has been planned for a while. People are going to argue that they need to rebuild the building. However they could just make repairs in the skywalk. The latter one is the one that I support.
  18. I forgot to add that the families are possibly going to sue the school for something that the school didn't cause. The stupidity at it's finest is what a former teacher of mine called it. No I went for 4 years and Spenac please don't bring that up.
  19. Ok so I went to Roosevelt High School in Des Moines Iowa from 1999-2004 and never once did this happen. There is a skywalk from the main building to the gym and the sides are plate glass from the floor to the roof. Apparently there were two students horseplaying and one fell into the safety plate glass window. It didn't hold him. He fell 12 feet to the pavement as well as the other kid. They were both transported. One had a skull fracture according to the paper and the other a concussion. When I drove by I saw the news vans but thought that they were doing an assembly in the gym. Not two kids falling through a window. Never thought that would happen but then about got hit by a speeding car doing 45+ in a 25.
  20. Ok classic there. Nuclear war will save us all. Ya right.
  21. Ok I am wondering why this topic even came back to life in the first place. I posted this way back in July and then walked away from it after realizing that even though I might disagree with there policies they still have the right to choose whom they hire. I was ranting at the time but now am just wondering why this topic came back to life. They are going to do it there way and that is the only way. So please can we all just let this topic die thanks.
  22. Ruff I agree with you at this point as I said earlier. k you know guys and gals I came to realize what they were trying to do about two months after I posted this. They are trying to provide good patient care as well as good firefighting on a small city budget. And no we don't have a Wal-mart but oh well. I say now what I should have said a while back at the end of august. I know that it will take time to get hired. If I want to join Waukee I will need to get both the EMS and Fire certifications. If I have to pay for it ohh well just a sign of the bad economy we are in. I know that this will take work but still I think if I try hard enough I can do it.
  23. I am currently working on getting a full time job. So that way I can pay for all training. I am going to be working from home for now for a company called cloud ten corp. I take offence to your comment about me doing fast food. I did fast food for a long time and now that I know what else is available to me I don't want to go back to foodservice.
  24. Ok you know guys and gals I came to realize what they were trying to do about two months after I posted this. They are trying to provide good patient care as well as good firefighting on a small city budget. And no we don't have a Wal-mart but oh well. I say now what I should have said a while back at the end of august. I know that it will take time to get hired. If I want to join Waukee I will need to get both the EMS and Fire certifications. If I have to pay for it ohh well just a sign of the bad economy we are in. I know that this will take work but still I think if I try hard enough I can do it. In waukee we don't need a wal-mart. CTX if you look at the year of that census we have grown quite a bit. It will be interesting to see the 2010 census.
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