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Adam Swartz

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Everything posted by Adam Swartz

  1. I am trying to help alleviate some of the calls that we get that could be helped by pcp's. The stubbed toe and such. I want to do it in a way that doesn't piss anybody off.
  2. So how do you guys and gals suggest I go about this?
  3. Thanks for the replies guy's. I am going to work on some stuff with a friend of mine and then will post on here for your guy's opinion. Thanks again for your help.
  4. Hey guy's and gal's I need your opinion on this. Let me know what you think. This is my own work however I got the idea from a friend of mine on facebook. I am thinking about talking to the chief of West Des Moines EMS about doing public education.EMS also known as emergency medical services is the backbone of every community along with the police. One thing I ask you all to do is the next time you see your local paramedics in public if they are not on a call I want you to say thank you for what you do. For most medic's as they like to be called would love to hear these two words. Please do not call them ambulance drivers as that is not what they do. If somebody calls for help in the middle of the night they will respond and help. So please help me in spreading the word that EMS rocks. Together we can help people to understand the system and how it works. I am going to be talking to the local chief of West Des Moines EMS about doing public education. Next time you get hurt, if it is bad enough call 911 however if it isn't please don't but if you are not sure just call anyway and listen to what the medics say. They have had to go through about two years of training to do what they do. Just treat them with respect. That is all they usually ask. Please don't abuse the system. We don't like that. We just like to help most of the time. So thanks in advance for your help guy's and gal's.
  5. Thank you very much for the help.
  6. So what should I do? This chief is the first to require it. As they don't have any paramedics i figured he would love a full time one. But no. He wants me to pay to get fire....uhh noooooo I don't do fire I do ems. They are running ads in the paper like crazy to get people on because people have quit due to that. They won't pay for current employees to get there fire stuff. I am just not going to support the practices. I will go somewhere else that will accept me as ems only. Thanks Spenac. Stay safe out there.
  7. Ok so this really irks me. I talked to the chief of Waukee Fire and he said that they are only hiring if you have both fire and ems certifications and they don't and won't pay for fire certs. I am getting my Paramedic and don't want to do fire but want to get on with waukee because that is where I live. Do you think that this is a good practice and should I complain to the city? Thanks in advance as always.
  8. Ok so here is my question. I have been transported a few times and it seems that in class they teach us a completely different algorythm than in the field. Why do they do it that way? Like they tell us don't take vitals first. What is the reasoning there? Thanks in advance.
  9. I have EMS pants so on the outside I have my shears a pen and a pen light. In the left cargo pocket I have my BP cuff and the right I have my Littman stethoscope. I always have my own sthethoscope. I also have my field guide and a few pairs of gloves. Or I have all my stuff in my backpack.
  10. Functioning as a basic pricked the finger.
  11. Ok I am just a basic but my thing is he has a very high BGL. We transport BGL is 560. Get him to the hospital they get him back. He is in a Diabetic coma. He was going to get on the ladder but passed out before he could. He had a fruity breath. He then had a full recovery and was diagnosed with diabetes and now has a medical alert bracelet. Nice job you guys.
  12. Perfusion not Perferation. My tired ass did that. Vitals are BP 125/90 P92 regular R 6 shallow and labored. He does not have any medical alert bracelets. You are able to get a combitube in. SPO2 before the combitube is 84% After is 98%. He didn't fall off the ladder but nice try. No other trauma evidence.
  13. BGL is high. 565. Vitals are otherwise stable. 10 minute ETA to the hospital. No other clues on scene. has a peachy smell to the breath. No one saw anything.
  14. No sign of trauma. Give him full c-spine. No gag reflex. Airway is patent. Breathing 4x per minute shallow and labored. Normal perforation.
  15. This was a scenario that we had in class. You are called out for a 17 year old male patient found unresponsive in his front yard by his neighbors. You arrive on scene and find it to be secure. After taking proper BSI precautions you approach and find him to be completely unresponsive. While your partner begins the assessment you ask the neighbors if they know anything about him. They answer no. You find a ladder nearby. He looks like he has been working on the ladder. Take it from here.
  16. For labs get a full ED panel.
  17. Lmao.
  18. Ohh yes that to. wow again how the hell or wtf goes with it.
  19. Hehe good catch as always Dust.
  20. Still that is an incredible picture no matter what. wow **jaw drops to floor** Can someone say SEND ALS NOW
  21. Get the patient to sign a release for the camera. Have it mounted in the back so that there isn't a cameraman back there unless he or she is able to keep out of the way and is a first responder minimum and can drop the camera and help. So that is why there would be a fixed camera or two. I remember the show paramedics. Wish that they would bring it back. That is my opinion and only mine. We need to show people through cameras and through education. The show would not be biased or edited. It would be exactly what happens none of what you see sometimes. Like the codes always survive. It would be the most realistic medical show around.
  22. I disagree with that. We should have cameras so that maybe people will stop calling us ambulance drivers. But that is just my opinion.
  23. I have seen that episode. If I remember right she was also listening to lung sounds at the same time and everyone was busy. I could be wrong but still it was a good episode. The kid lived. What are the odds.
  24. Lmao happy late april fools day.
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