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EMTBASIC_911_911's Achievements


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  1. no dust devil, it just said "when treating an AIDS pt"....But I agree.....I dont care if I piss anyone off, Im going to wear gloves even when grandma has a fever....thats how I was taught and thats how I roll lol
  2. I tested for my EMT-B state licence back in June of 2007. After my instrutor told us that NREMT had a pass rate of about 40% on the first try where State exam had a 60% pass rate on the first attempt. Luckily I was in that 60%! I was quite disappointed with the State exam though. I thought that it had some rather interesting questions and it did make you think. While I was testing I came across 2 questions that I felt one was absolutley rediculous and the other one's correct answer was rather interesting. The first question I came across asked "When is it ok not to take BSI precautions?" it had answers like, During child birth, an arterial bleed, When treating an AIDS pt, or during an MCI... After thinking about this redicuous question, and knowing that you Always take BSI precautions, I finally just put down Arterial bleed. Reason being, if someone was bleeding like that, unless pressure is being held there, they will bleed out. I continued on with the questions and came across another one. This one was very interesting when I found out the answer. "How do you transport a pt down a hill?" I answered feet first....I dont remember what the possible answers were besides feet or head first. But I put feet first down, because if someone has a head injury transporting them head first would send the blood to their head and also creat pressure..... After I was done testing, I told my instructor about those questions and if I passed, I just passed (I honestly expected to take the test again), My instructor after heariing the questions told me that in our book, It says flat out you dont need to take BSI precautions when treating an AIDS pt!!!!!!!!! Then he informed me that our book also states that you transport a pt Head first down a hill/incline. Since my testing of the Illinois State exam, they have made changes to the exam, But Im wondering if State exam had questions like that what on earth will the NREMT have? I was very shocked that there were little to no Cardiac questions on the exam. I had only one cardiac question. I had alot of OB questions but it seemed that the test didnt focous on questioning us on things you are more likely to see everyday. So all in all I was highly disappointed with the State exam for Illinois....Anyone else take the illinois exam and feel the same?
  3. A well built 28 y/o M greats you at the door. Your general impression is a young adult male who appears to be in a little respiratory distress. Your EMT partner gets you a set of vitals: P: 90 and regular, R: 26 and labored, BP: 108/90, RA SpO2: 90%. The pt states he has had increasing DIB since he tried to go to bed at about 2300. Since he has gotten up and called 911, the pain seems to have gotten better. He also reports "stabbing" chest pain 4/10 that comes and goes, but has also gotten better in the few minutes before you have arrived. The patient believes the CP started after lunch as a result of the new "hotter than hell" boneless wings at the local bar. Thinking he was suffering from heartburn the pt eat a light dinner; a chef salad. Even still the CP increased throughout the evening and now he has difficulty catching his breath. Throughout this history the patient has to take breaks to breath, before continuing to speak. My particular treatment as a Basic for this pt would go as follows. Due to them having Difficulty of Breathing, I would start them on O2 at 15lpm via NRB. As for the Chest pain, I would do the SAMPLE/OPQRST....Following that I would call medical Control for the Ok to give Nitro. I would also get the stretcher and load the pt on it in a position of comfort and transport to the Nearest facility...During transport, I would have the Cardiac monitr being monitored every 3-5 minutes...... Did I Kill the pt? lol
  4. Although I never have had to bag a pt, I was taught to squeeze the bag every 3 seconds and to squeeze it at a nice steady pace, not to slow because they wont get enough and not to fast, cuz it will just put too much air in the pt. We were taught also that as long as the pt is getting 12 Breaths a minute were doing something good....Sorry if i couldn't help more...its 5am here lol
  5. Ummmmmm hello...your in a stressfull field here.....sometimes people get depressed there is nothing wrong with anyone taking anti depressents...I was on them for 5 years before I came off them. Would you rather have an EMT working on you who had anti depressents in their system or would you rather you get the one who decides to drink their problems away and has it in their system working on you? I agree with celtic.....that is quite judgemental
  6. I dont feel that anyone with an infectuous disease should work in the healt care field. Here In Illinois, I have had flu shots,TB tests,ect....and the nurses dont bother to wear gloves until I tell them too. How dumb is that? Who knows what they have been exposed to. But no I dont think that someone with an infectious disease should be in the healtcare field.
  7. so I got a call for a child that swallowed approximatly 2 AMBION pills not to long ago, and poison control said the child was going to be tired and didnt need an ER visit but we did take the child in...should DCFS have been called since the pills were out in the open? The cop on scene even siad the story didnt match. Im a new basic and I really dont know how to handle soemthing like that...plus it was a child so thats always nervracking but i have had 2 calls for children and have been fine so far!
  8. WOW! Um as a basic, Id stabilize the injury, Provide O2, and keep the pt calm and do vitals while a higher level did a morphine drip if allowed.
  9. I may be able to help you depending on where you live, im in ottawa, and i know of some places that will be looking
  10. Ok firs off, It is a scary job because your life can become endangered, and I do consider it a career because I have someones life in my hand and I had to go to school for a long time so about the 120 hours...I dont get that.....If you knew me, youd know that it took me almost a year to get my EMT B.......But thanks to eveyone else with the positive coments
  11. I just got the news that I passed my state certification for my EMT B licence. I didnt take national registary i heard it was very hard. Now that Im an EMT, idk......Is it really a hard job? I havent been in it long enough to know fully what to expect.....can you help me please so im not as scared..lol
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