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Everything posted by ninjaemtff

  1. Wish granted you now have a robot to do all your paper work. On the downside, the motor fries up inside.... I wish I could travel the world
  2. At my station, our policy is, you don't wear it you don't ride. You show up with out it, there's hell to pay. Every active member has gear that meets all safety requirements. On our coats we have the new reflective vest with the five point break outs. Why? Safety that's why. Safety is the number one priority. Don't like it? Go somewhere else, we don't have time for mistakes or injuries. Do you wear all your gear for training? I know the answer is yes. So why not during the real thing? Do as you train, train as you do. Common sense, training, and the ability to listen can save a lot of lives and prevent a lot of injuries. Use your head.
  3. Granted but you fall into a crater and can't get out. I wish money grew on trees.
  4. HAPPPPPPPPY BIRTHDAY KAISU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Good job Ruffy way to try and keep the world safe You get an Atta' boy!
  6. I want proof. More than just "My English friends said." Where is the evidence? News Articles, something come on.
  7. Ok, so I'm taking the HazMat Operations class is a prereq for my firefighter 1 class and a few other classes. We were talking about WMD's last class and I forgot to ask my instructor so I thought I would bring this to the forums. If someone knowingly has aids, and has sexual relations with a large amount of people because the person knows that he or she has aids and wants to spread the disease to cause death etc...would it be considered a WMD or an act of terrorism?
  8. Here for the most part its a mutual thing. Someone from the EMS side and someone from the fire/rescue side work together in command so that we can get the job done. They establish command then ask us (whoever' is in the car with the pt) what we want done, and they put it in place. It works really well, but like everything else it sometimes fails because well it is not a perfect world and you have this.
  9. Still trying to learn. How old were you when you lost your first tooth
  10. 45 by Shinedown
  11. First, this is a tragedy and my thoughts and prayers go to the friends, family, co-workers, etc. Now, I agree with Terri on this. It is a tragedy that he was murdered, but trying to treat this different by saying kill him right now, instead of treating him like any other murderer is wrong and bias. I'm in EMS, yeah it makes me upset that a fellow EMS worker was murdered. But it happens, and we can't be biased. We are all just humans. Every murderer should be treated equally. They should all have a trial because yes this is America and everyone is innocent until proven guilty. Yes this was witnessed but not yet determined in a court of law. As much as I would love to see this guy killed right now for what he did, its not because he killed someone in EMS, it is because he took away a human life. Anyone who does that, does not deserve to live. Just my two cents.
  12. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of those involved. Dust I agree with you. It's a tragedy no matter how you look at it. Everyone be careful out there. Anything can happen at any time
  13. Welcome from Pennsylvania! I hope you enjoy your stay at EMT City....your total cost for today will be 5698.69 checks/money order can be made payable to me
  14. Well, I'm out. The hopes of meeting you wonderful people was great, but work wont allow it. Sorry, but hey maybe this summer party up my way?
  15. lmao, that was great thanks for the laugh
  16. Happy (Late) Birthday momma! Sorry i missed it!
  17. That's right ladies and gentlemen on February 25, 2009 I will be "getting locked up for good" I'm not sure if any of you have heard of this but it is a fundraiser for the MDA which is the Muscular Dystrophy Association. What they do is cops will come to my place of employment (Wendys) and arrest another manager (Alicia) and myself, and we will be taken to "jail." We both have a bail of $3000 dollars. And I was wondering if anyone wanted to contribute money. This is for a great cause. I am willing to give more information. If anyone is interested in donating or just wants to know more about it please feel free to contact me. Thank you so much!
  18. Happy Birthday Dwayne!!!!!!!!
  19. Maybe you should stop living in the past. Sure they did not have the opportunity to go to College until the 60's, ok fine, guess what it's 2008 now, almost 2009! Stop using that as an excuse. BS for a leadership position? Good otherwise this profession will go down the drains even quicker. Guess what it's not racism if someone chooses not to go to school, therefore not getting into a leadership position.
  20. Crotch, I have come to the conclusion that you are a complete idiot. Honestly I believe that you do have a problem with homosexuals, otherwise you would not have posted this nor would you keep trying to defend yourself. I also believe you are an arrogant ass who is trying to push his views on all of us. Guess what not working! Now about the post, I don't care if you are a male, female, straight, gay, bi, I don't give a damn as long as you know how to do your job. That's all that matters! You know how to do your job and you're well educated? Great, we'll work fine together. Who wont I work with? People like you.
  21. So this may come as a shock, however I agree with Dust. I think that it should be 8 hrs of CPR 8 hrs of First aid, then the rest on vehicle operations. I myself am only an EMT-B right now, but I believe that if you are going to be in this field you need to move forward. I think that the EMT-B and First responders are good for Firefighters and police, you know the true first responders. And of course the drivers who just want to play wit lights and sirens... In my area EMT-B is a big thing, and we have hot shots who think because they passed the EMT-B course that they know everything and can do everything. When really its advanced first aid. Hate to burst their bubbles. I plan on moving forward in EMS, I eventually want to be a fire medic (yeah yeah I know wrong thing to say here.) But my point is, I'm going to move forward in EMS, I'm going to do whatever it takes to be the best I can be. I started out as a basic because I wont lie it started as a hobby for me, but knowing what I know now, it was stupid to ever think of it as a hobby. This is a profession, peoples lives are in our hands, and we need to be completely professional and well trained, and trained to the best standards. Being satisfied with being just a basic and trying to make a career out of it, is just foolish...
  22. I agree with Spenac on this. I am all for a fun work environment, but you need to be professional. Horseplay gets people hurt and if you (the provider) gets hurt, what good are you doing the patient (the people you are trained to help.) EMS is about professionalism. If we want our profession to grow and continue to be a profession, then we have to be professional while doing it. Horseplay and practical jokes are not part of that. You want to have fun at work? That's fine, crack a joke or two. Bored at work? Play a game that makes you think, sit down and read a book, go over you're skills, wash your rigs, make sure you look professional. Don't dick off and act like a teenager. Crothcity, you said you were against the hydrant testicle thing, but I'm guessing that you at some point found it funny, because otherwise I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have posted it on here...
  23. I believe that education is one of the most important things in a persons life. And to be successful in life you have to be educated. No matter what field you get into. I believe that the right school plays a big part in that, and I'm not just talking about at the college level, I mean at the elementary, middle, and high school levels as well. Since I'm still young, I still have friends that are in high school, and it's getting to the point where they can't wait to be on break, they are hoping for snow days, they hate school, etc. I hear this quite often, and it makes me think "No wonder our future is screwed." Kids that are in public schools hate it. Well I was talking to my sister the other night, and she is a teacher at a charter school. At this school everything is project based, the kids work in groups for mostly everything. They are all issued computers, and what not. Well they had a snow day last week, and she was telling me,that they were all disappointed that they had the snow day, because it was a day without school, and they are looking forward to Christmas but not Christmas break because they would rather be at school. This children are all intelligent, and they have a desire to be at school. Maybe this charter school thing is the way to go? Thoughts and opinions?
  24. and squirrels jumped in and started using the AED on each other...
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