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Everything posted by ninjaemtff

  1. God.
  2. ninjaemtff

    3 Word Story

    because she's awesome
  3. Evolution
  4. ninjaemtff

    3 Word Story

    People who don't
  5. time
  6. ninjaemtff

    3 Word Story

    to bad it
  7. Days
  8. ninjaemtff

    3 Word Story

    Exactly what he
  9. Years
  10. ninjaemtff

    3 Word Story

    He only wishes
  11. Score
  12. ninjaemtff

    3 Word Story

    who knows absolutely
  13. Golf
  14. ninjaemtff

    3 Word Story

    but he is
  15. Saddle
  16. tail
  17. ninjaemtff

    3 Word Story

    Since he's not,
  18. Everytime one of my Professors cell phones go off, we get 10 bonus points. Great concept, except they rarely go off.
  19. I have personally been called a racist 3 different times. The funny thing is, it was all white males who called me racist. They were all very intoxicated, one of which was suffering a severe head injury along with his intoxication. Being a white female, it made me laugh that these white males were calling me racist, they swore up and down to me that I hated them because they were white, if they were any other race I would do what they told me. Personally color, race, and gender to not affect how I treat my patients. I treat them all equally. Well in a sense. I obviously treat patients different, but I think you all know what I meant.
  20. ninjaemtff

    3 Word Story

    Of laughter because
  21. Food
  22. ninjaemtff

    3 Word Story

    tie his shoes,
  23. Real
  24. toes
  25. prune
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