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Everything posted by ninjaemtff

  1. I'm all for having our own party...your bring the booze...i'll bring the boys....and we'll sleep in rigs... hell we can even start iv's on each other so incase you know one of us gets sick or something we're prepared.
  2. Teri...we're not allowed coming out of our holes...we're the chat room drama they are talking about hahaha
  3. I know here...in my little hick town of PA...that in my county all of our police officers are at least first-aid certified and AED certified. If not busy with another incident they are to respond to every EMS call and assist us. Sort of like first responders. It works fairly well. Most of the time they do not ride in with us though. The only time they do is if the person is combative, in cuffs, or if its a code and a very short handed crew.
  4. Are you referring to me in this post? Sorry I promise if you let me come out of my hole I'll try and act like an adult.....PROMISE
  5. So...do I have to stay in my hole or am I allowed to come play?!??
  6. Welcome aboard buddy! I hope you enjoy your stay her eat EMT city...you'll learn to love people (like jess)....hate people (like me, I'm an ass you can ask around )...and just learn to laugh at people...(like all of us).....have a great time...and good luck with your future!
  7. If you want the trouble makers to stay at home or in there hole...I'll do it, I'll stay in my hole. However I think it sounds like a fun idea...as long as theres no serial killer rapists around us...
  8. Dust...I could picture you with the wig and the white dress....however for the safety of all of us..could you wear pants??
  9. Its things like this that make you wonder about our society. I mean...did he just like show up one day and say I'm the new guy you just hired me. Then they put him on the payroll...or..what? People these days.
  10. Ruff...I couldn't have said it better myself.
  11. I agree with whatever Ruff says
  12. I expected dust's voice to be deeper..sort of like chuck norris combined with the terminator. And it made me laugh when solutions said he was popular...
  13. Ok so I'm sure this will get blocked, locked, bashed or something, but I just don't care anymore. I'm getting really sick of the constant "Volley vs. Paid people" its getting old. I'm sick of the fact that some people on her have to constantly bash Volunteers. Or even the volunteers who bash the paid people. Most of you know I'm a Volley, however I'm trying to not be biased. I have a lot of respect for paid people, but you know what I also have a lot of respect for other volleys. I just wish people would pull their heads out of their asses and realize that most of us are in this for the same reason. To help people. We're all in the same field, we are all doing similar things.We all have the same training. And this bullshit bashing needs to stop. It doesn't matter if we are white, black, purple, green, american, irish, paid, or volleys, we are all in the EMS field, and we are all doing it to help those in need. So suck it up and start getting along!
  14. cyanosis
  15. Oh sweet I get to go to the front of the line!
  16. No...I'm college sick from home...
  17. I'm starting an order form...anyone who wants..just post your name and address...make checks and money orders payable to me.
  18. cranium
  19. A lot of our wrecks make the news. However the call that most sticks out in my mind to making the news is we had a MCI drill, we had a firefighter collapse go into cardiac arrest, and we brought him back. That made front page.
  20. dangle
  21. So recently I've noticed that I'm starting to get sick of EMS. Most of you who know me know that I was in medic school. Well I decided to take a semester off to see if this is really what I want to do or not. Just wondering...was this a good idea or a bad idea?
  22. I'm going to do that on the way up to the 7th floor (The psyche ward in our hospital)
  23. Congrats to tex. Terri maybe you should tell your life to stop being so busy.
  24. I think Alabama is awesome...want to be friends?
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