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Everything posted by ninjaemtff

  1. That was great...I loved it
  2. :roll: :roll: :roll: welcome to the chat :roll: :roll: :roll:
  3. I was taking a drink when I read that...and I spit it all over the place
  4. So, I was going to try to make what I originally said better, but while doing so, I realized that most of the things I was thinking of, or most of the ways to make it better I would have been taking from other posters, and I felt that would be wrong. Therefore, I stand by my original post. Thank you.
  5. :roll: welcome to the chat... :roll: :roll:
  6. Well in my home town....land-line is considered anything that you dial to contact county...."Amb xy..xy county" "go ahead county" "land line the center" therefore we use cell phone....sorry maybe I should just shut up...
  7. I would like to clarify, I do know what a land line is....I worded it wrong. See the rigs that we have now Have two cell phones, one that is mobile and one that is mounted. I consider the mounted one more of a land line then I do the mobile one, however I am very aware of the fact that they both are land lines. Sorry for making myself look like an idiot once again...I just sort of wanted to win...so, my apologies.
  8. A million dollars to spend on my current employer/EMS service. First off I would purchase a new AEV ambulance to replace our new horton. The Ambulance would be equipped with an airhorn, a Q, plus the normal sirens. It would have all the lights that are possible. It will be equipped with 4-wheel drive and have cell phones/land lines in it for contacting county other than via radio. After the Ambulance, I would purchase new EMS bags to put our equipment in. I would buy two smaller bls bags, and one trauma bag. After the bags, I would purchase EMS extrication gear for all personnel. It would be top of the line, blue in color with a lot of reflectors for safety, with EMS on the back, also blue helmets equipped with safety goggles. I would then purchase two of the ferno stair chairs with the tracks on them to replace the two older stair chairs that we have. Also, I would pay for con-ed classes, or whatever classes the members of my company would like to see, I would make sure there would be at least one class where we practice extrication and cutting cars apart. Part of the money would go towards physicals for all the members to insure that we are all healthy enough to do this job. I would purchase exercise equipment so that we can all stay in shape/get in shape. Since we are a volunteer company, there would be no pay to raise, so I believe that after all of that, the rest of the money would go into the bank, and be used to purchase anything that the members may need at a later time, also for repairing equipment.
  9. I could see Spenac doing that
  10. I'll be more than willing to answer your questions. Feel free to PM me.
  11. I would first like to say, that the joke made me laugh. Now for those who said your offended...remember this is the "Funny Stuff" section, there is a warning that adult content and offensive material may be located here. However I don't really see why you are all offended. It was a joke, lighten up a bit. However, I'm glad it was located under funny stuff.....I almost did it... JOKE!
  12. Well, I'm guessing that since it was late, that you probably didn't read my other posts before posting this. Because if you would have, you would have seen that I clarified the fact that I was wrong. I am aware that EMS is a profession, and if you would read my other posts, you would realize that I also stated that. Every bash that you just made against me in that statement, if you go back and read what all I have posted I have defended or clarified them all. As for "What I have on paper and you have in real life experience not matching up." I'm not really sure what you are saying with that, but I'm guessing that you mean by me saying that 16 year olds are just as capable, that you've had 16 year olds on your rigs as an EMT. And once again if you go back and read my post you'll see that I was a 16 y/o EMT. But if you read further than that you will also see that I eventually acknowledged the fact that it was not necessarily right. But for now, I'm getting off my soap box, feel free to tell me where I went wrong, I'd love to defend it even more, or maybe even see what you're saying, and acknowledge if I'm wrong or not. (I may be bullheaded, but I'll admit when I'm wrong.) Have an outstanding day.
  13. I thought curiosity made the kittens??
  14. I want to join that place...I bet I would fit in perfect
  15. How many different lights/sirens does it have...plus is there an air horn anda Q.
  16. That Iraqi was talented...if I would try that I would wreck my bike..or get shot.
  17. The other night on the police scanner Dispatch: 6-xx you have a package heading your way, your to expedite 6-xx....10-4 expediting Dispatch: 6-xx the carrier wishes to know your location 6-xx: (gives location) Dispatch: Affirmative...he'll be at your location in approximately 3 minutes 6-xx: package received Dispatch: Did you get three? 6-xx: negative only one Dispatch:man you got gipped, but oh well mission complete. I was talking to the dispatcher a short while later....they were talking about donuts...haha.
  18. In response to Dawn.......I forget what your original rant was hahah I should go back and read it. I still think you should all vote me for president!
  19. I'm still confused about what this topic is about...
  20. Brain Surgeon eh? Could you replace mine? I seem to have well misplaced it...
  21. Hey! Every thread on here has a topic, just because we get side-tracked doesn't mean that theres no topic!
  22. Ooo...I thought that made me a piolet.....I'm confused...
  23. I was out playing basketball and had my pager with me...County had just placed someone available, and out of no where the EMS crew that was placed available asked if anyone wanted meatballs...no one replied so they said fine I wont bring you any. I fell on the court laughing...
  24. What about a space cadet? Could I be one of them??
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