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Everything posted by battlemedic345

  1. Hey all, Been a while since I posted here, but I couldn't think of a better place to ask for help. I work in Montgomery County Pennsylvania and I've recently run into several calls wherein the pt was having a very bad allergic reaction w/o anaphylaxis. In this sort of case, I have no protocol to treat them. Now, I can always call medical command, but more often than not they just want to know why I called! In Montco, we only have a protocol for anaphylaxis, but I'm sure we've all seen those pt's that are beet red, on fire and scratching their own flesh off w/o airway s/s's. So I am asking for your help. Do any of you work in a system where there is a protocol that dfferentiates between allergic reaction and anaphylaxis? Can someone email me thoughts, or specific protocols from your area @ battlemedic@hotmail.com I would be much obliged.
  2. Do we really want another person in the White House that will forget all about us? If we do then a Bush is our best bet.
  3. Our situation is kinda nuts b/c we're "Tactical support medics" and therefore not armed, but we're within ten feet of the team at all times, no matter where they go.... So they make an entry, I am within ten feet of the door at all times. I ought to be armed, don't ya think? Maybe I can stab a perp with an 18 gauge?
  4. Anyone mention starting a lock then attaching a line to it? That way you can KVO and still have the ability to take the line off if they get combative.....
  5. Evy ting goin be irie. Apparently I'm so "baked" I'd believe in anything.
  6. As a Rastafarian, I believe in....... Guesses??? Anyone????
  7. I would tend to agree that in suburbia about 30% of all our calls could have gone by POV, a friend's car, or a cab... but I am told its closer to 80% in the cities. A lack of primary care is probably at fault...and a lack of community education as to what is, and is NOT an emergency.
  8. The conventional wisdom with PEDS is that you treat the hypoglycemia.... Thats a tough call though 1) The glucagon may not work: sometimes if its been used in the reent past it simply won't work. 2) Give em glucagon and you'll be waiting awhile, all while they seize, hoping it WILL work. 3) The sugar really is the problem So is the answer GIVE VERSED AND GLUCAGON? Actually, the answer is: GET AN IV.....lol
  9. I think it'd be fun at parties
  10. I will make your test my bitch. Bring it!
  11. something sticks with me: She was a 200 lb CRACK HEAD!?!?!? Never met a fat crack head.
  12. Your pt's have 4 teeth, and five cavities
  13. I am told that LMA stands for Let Me Aspirate. Either is better than no airway at all, but I'll stick with the combitube for now....
  14. The state most likely take's the stance that they permit you to have a blue light under a set of circumstances, but that doesn't mean you individual squad will allow you to have it. Its sort of like the state leaving it up to the local hands to decide. You may want to appeal to a trusted friend, or the Blue Light God's superior to see if you can convince them to let you respond with one. Otherwise you run the risk of pissing off some people and getting the boot from your squad altogether.
  15. I was offended by Kristoph's comments, not your USAF.
  16. The statement that the only difference between the US and AQ is "PR" is a gross over-statement and is simply not correct. The two countries/govt's may have SOME similarities, but thats it.... there isn't only ONE difference between the two. I usually think Faux-Patriotism is disgusting...I think people who stick "God Bless America" stickers on their bumpers are corny, but in this case I must say I was truly offended by someone's comments about my country. I am going to stop typing now before I say something I will regret.
  17. I would wholeheartedly disagree that the methods are the same. I have never seen an American soldier saw the head off a prisoner ....
  18. Anyone have to get Tazered by their tactical team? I had to get "certed" in the tazer, so I was supposedly required ot get shocked. I think the guys just wanted to see me flop around like a fish. Let me tell you: I have never been prouder of myself... for not crying.
  19. I'm a total white cloud. I work at this one station here in Montgomery County, every single wednesday. Its not a terribly slow station but I haven't had a call there in like a month or two. This past wednesday ( I was off for once!) they had six calls in 6 hours... Everywhere I go, slow days follow me.
  20. Interestingly, here in Montgomery county we have alot of options for pain management: We have Morphine, we recently got Nitrous, and now we have Fentanyl.....I am told the fentanyl should be a good option for us as it is reported to have a smaller effect on pt BP. Wouldn't have mattered what I had last night either way, I had an obvious drug seeker who beeeeeeeggggggeeeeeddddd for pain meds.... but that was ALL she wanted....and the local ER had her about 15 times this year. I hate people like that.
  21. I just has an HSS class and thought it was top notch. How was the H&K???? I've heard alot about that and I would love to go...it is a little out of my price range though... Lot of shooting practice?
  22. I am white, and I think it's racist. I know the swastika was a symbol of luck, but it isn't now. Is it ok for us all to go around putting swastika's on our cars?
  23. I think it can't be stressed enough that in order to RSI someone you have to have taken part in a very rigorous RSI training program. This isn't just something you would want to talk about in class and have someone doing the next day. How do you grade the airway? On what scale? When do you not RSI someone who doesn't meet the other contraindications? All questions you have to be able to answer before you push the meds. If you make a mistake, they are worse than they were before. You have to know that everytime you think about RSIing someone.
  24. Certainly not Abington Memorial Hospital.
  25. its for John Q Public, not for us. We should hold ourselves to a much higher standard
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