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Brady last won the day on November 10 2016

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    Rock climbing, skiing, biking, camping, hiking, softball coaching, dressing up nice and dancing, and of course EMS.

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  1. The best of news!!! Dale had his surgery today and they took all of the leads out. It wasn't as much as they had anticipated, so he has a lot more lung than they told him he would have. This news is awesome...just thought I'd share with you all.
  2. Thanks I'll let him know. He will think that is awesome. And I will keep an update as to what the guy gets. I just found out today that his dad is an x-trooper. That might be the contributing fact to why he has so many tickets and so many let offs.
  3. Alright the date is set...He goes in for surgery the 24th of August. Please pray for him. They tell him that if he gets only half the lung taken out he will be able to do everything but the fire fighting. If they take the whole thing then his life will change forever. We pray for the best.
  4. officer hit So the officer is a great friend of mine. The man is going to get off because of the prossecuter. He has 12 DUI's and 11 of them have been dismissed. When they finally got the guy he had pulled into his driveway and was passed out with two bare rims. The driver never once went over the line driving until he was to Greg and then swerved and hit him. I'm glad Greg is ok, but something should be done in this country. I live in a small town and this is happening I can only imagine all over the country.
  5. So they have extended Dales antibiotic course. He will be on it for 4 to 6 more weeks then do surgery. I with some help put together a potato feed (I do live in Idaho) to help come up with some funds for Dale. He lives in a small town and we were expecting the best and got way more than we expected. The funds raised were over $6000 just on the feed the Fire Dept is doing a fill the boot type thing tomorrow and he has a can somewhere in town. Also a group here matched up to $5,000 so that puts us prob over 12,000. I love it when a community comes out to support someone who does so much for them. You think its a thankless job but its times like this that make it all good.
  6. I just got off the phone with Dale he said thank you for all your words of encouragement and prayers. It really does mean alot to him. He told me that he is going to fight this thing and if it does take him it wont without a fight. The whole deal is stemming from a pacemaker he used to have, the leads have floated down to his lungs and caused considerable scar tissu and infection. They told him that they may have to take half of his lung but the chances of them needing to take out the whole lung are great. He is in good spirits and is fighting like crazy. There is a slim chance that the antibiotics will take care of this but that is very very slim. Thank you again.
  7. Hey I just got news that one of my crew members needs to have surgery. This surgery is going to remove part of his lung, since there are bleeds all over in it. The surgery alone has a 10% survival rate atatched to it. They will do the surgery in 4 weeks since they need to pump him full of antibiotics. He is a member of the city and I'm asking you to remember him in your prayers or whatever you do. He is going to need some help from somewhere if he is going to make it. He has huge heart problems to go along with this. You all know as well as I do that a crew member is family so please pray for my brother. His name is Dale. Thanks.
  8. It is a local thing. Sorry if I didn't make that clear. As for the masks there were none to restock our ambo. No one is sick from the call. But I bet if we asked they would have tested her. Its just not law for them to get tested if we ask.
  9. Thanks I had no idea that I didn't get west nile from a person. must have been those dang misquitoes. And it was a huge thing here.
  10. I thought that more people died from just the regular old flu every year. We have had 6 people in adjacent counties to mine that have been tested. 3 of them have come back negative, but they assure us that the people could have actually had it but gotten the medicine in time to keep it from advancing. We have to deal with west nile virus every year and a few years ago it was horrific, makes the swine flu look like a cuddly bunny.
  11. Today I went on a call where we picked up a pt at their house and took them to the hospital. She was complaining of having a hard time breathing. She had swollen lymph nodes that you could see just by looking at her. She had a fever and a productive cough. Also her son had been diagnosed with mono the day before (and so was she earlier that day, but hers was negative) So we whipped out the masks and wore them. Later we got called to transfer her to a bigger hospital however our unit was out of masks....eww. But the docs assure us we will be ok...Whatever! He doesn't have to sit with her for 45 minutes in the back of the ambo. Anyways we put the o2 mask on her to keep some of it contained. And when we get there the ER said that we aren't allowed to have pts tested anymore for stuff. They said since it rarely got taken advantage of they took the law out. So, I hope this lady didn't have anything too serious because now I'm at home with my hubby and son and don't want to pass anything to them. I think I feel a cough coming on....lol.
  12. You think I'm being racist against myself!?! LOL have you seen my legs? They would light up the back yard on a dark stary night.
  13. I would have to agree that everyone taking this test had the same opportunity. This is a test on firefighting, wich everyone in the case was educated in. I'm ashamed to say that there is still race issues out there today. However I feel like I got jipped by being white! I couldn't get extra help in school when I needed it because I was white. I got denied a ton of scholarships becuase of my color. There are over 60 colleges in the US that are for black students only. If there were colleges for white students only the people would blow a gasket. There is reverse discrimination going on just as much. I think its never going to stop because people can never forget the past.
  14. We use the eyelash deal on people. We get alot of fakers from jail. People that think they can prolong the deportation process. Maybe next time just for fun explain to your partner you are going to check for an anal wink, maybe that will get your pt to come around...
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