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Everything posted by medic429

  1. Be safe AK!!
  2. Hey Strippel!! WTF is up with the house? :shock: I hope your days slow down for you....study when you can! Let me know how it's going....
  3. have to agree with Dust that audio/video would be cool.... I'm glad no one was injured.
  4. thougts and prayers to all of those involved, and touched by, this tragedy...
  5. Good job Asys!!! :wink:
  6. tuft
  7. held
  8. that's awful...
  9. :hello1: still young!!
  10. We don't work 24's at my current job, but most of us show up 30 minutes early just to be nice Just something we do for each other when we can, it's not expected. It does help when that last minute call comes in and your relief is there and says "I'll get this". And there is usually a whole lot of coffee and BSing going on too.
  11. Rid, I absolutely agree...and so does the rest of the FT staff. It's actually been the subject of a lot of discussion lately....I'd love to hear suggestions on how you change the way management thinks when they are still stuck in 1986?? Someone suggested that I draw up some kind of template and 'present' it....not sure how THAT would go over. I thought we were the only ones who were scheduled this way because NO ONE I've told has ever heard of such a thing--it's completely backward....
  12. paramedic mike-good luck trying to figure it out! I work this way--and I still can't figure it out. No one I tell about it can really figure it out either. From what I understand "that's just the way it's always been" :roll: I tend to agree with PRPG, that they accommodate the PT staff to keep them around.
  13. When I did work 24's, shift change was at 0700. The oncoming crew wouldn't ususally be there any earlier than 0655.
  14. I missed it too hammer, I was at work though. Thanks chbare-good scenario!
  15. lung sounds? abdomen? is there any edema?
  16. ok...I went back and reread the "laryngoscope disagreement" that Ace and ALERT were having.....that cannot possibly be the reason he was banned.... :?
  17. :shock: what??
  18. It blows. I work for a company that schedules this way and it sucks. Period.
  19. Great scenario chbare!! Thank you!
  20. I noticed "people walking thier dogs" and thought about some kind of worm or parasite from the dogs maybe? Then I did some research and came up with idiopathic hypereosinophilic syndrome ?? just my guess......
  21. Keeping it very basic.....I cannot remember the last time I took a patient to a hospital, straight to the OR, where they were intubated and operated on and NOT called that and emergency! Even if you thought hospital #1 was "freaking" didn't the actions of hospital #2 make you think that the first nurses weren't necessairly "freaking out" for no reason?
  22. I personally think Soap Operas--on during the day time-- are FILLED with sex....and they are on good old fashioned antennae TV....no cable needed! just my .02
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