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Everything posted by medstudent30
I had a call the other day at work that was called in as a "Possible Subdural Hematoma" (per local nursing home). Upon examination of the patient, my partner and I found bruising around the ear. I have been in EMS for about 10 years and have never seen Battle's Signs. Just out of curiosity from other EMS professionals here, would you consider that Battle's Signs. It was a medium brown in color, it didn't have the black and blue appearance of a fresh bruise, or the light brown/green of an older bruise. [/font:543c4e46f6]
SWEETTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That means more alone time for me cause my family won't watch it with me. [/font:6468fb6d1d]
If you work on the actual days that we have for holidays, you get double time for the time your there. It goes from midnight to midnight. [/font:38cf5a7975]
Well, here is my 2 cents worth on the subject. I suffered from the same condition, along with a few other 'female' problems. Spoke with my Gyno, and together came to a decision to have a hysterectomy. This condition was affecting not only my daily life, but also my intimate life. I was continuously exhausted, didn't have energy to do anything, let alone go to work or function at home with my family. I also had put on a lot of weight, which I may add is very unhealthy for anyone. Since I have had my hysterectomy, I have more energy, feel that I can fully function as a human being, and have become a much nicer person! LOL. I have also lost quite a good bit of weight, and continue to lose the extra weight. For once in a real long time, I feel great, I am looking good, and most of all, I once again get to enjoy my life with my kids. I also feel healthy again! But on the downside to this, I swear that the 'hot flashes'........they gotta GO!!!!! That is something that I can live without, as well as my partner at work, since I constantly have the AC going full blast! But since I had made the choice a few years back to not have more children, my doctor and I felt that this was the course of treatment available for my condition. I do not regret the decision that I made, and since it made me feel better physically, I also feel better mentally. I now can complete my job and have a sense of completion about myself. [/font:80296bfc85]
My first EMS job had an 'on call' system. You were scheduled your regular hours for the week, and then given a 24-hour on call day, which meant that you could be called in at any time during that 24 hour period. We got paid from the time we hit the garage till we left, and was not paid a stipend for being on call during that 24 hour period. Sometimes if we torked management off, they would schedule us two 24 hour on call days and they were usually back to back. Now I work for a company where there is no on call system, if they call ya its usually for OT. [/font:741db5d0c7]
Well I'm going to say my 2 cents worth on this, and please do not take it as bashing any particular person. Pittsburgh Steelers Quarterback Ben Roethlesberger was in a motorcycle versus vehicle MVC in Pittsburgh earlier today. As much as I am a fan for Helmet's and their proper use, I do not agree with his choice in the matter of not wearing one. From reports on the news, I gather that Ben is very lucky with the injuries that he has sustained. Someone was definately out there watching him. My question is to all of you here.........do you think that all states/provinces, etc. should have a standardized helmet law, just like the seatbelt laws that are there? I realize that no safety belt could have assisted Ben with his accident, but if he only had a helmet on, his injuries I'm sure wouldn't have been as bad as they were. [/font:7fe73e6d50]
EMT-B Training in NW Ohio?? (Toledo, OH)
medstudent30 replied to terpfan's topic in Education and Training
I got a friend that lives in the Toledo area, I will contact her and find out. Have ya thought bout lookin at University of Toledo? They may have a program. [/font:baec38e381] -
Ya know that was funny, but then I a the type of person to search around on them sites.........the Paula Abdul one being a drunk is quite funny also........ [/font:5bed73e9c0]
Here is another piece of some SOUND advice.......cover your ass..........as told in EMS classes..........DOCUMENT.....DOCUMENT.....DOCUMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you have to start making a paper trail........then if it goes legal......ya got some sort of documentation. [/font:7c5e7aeec9]
I have to agree with the other posts on this topic. I too was once in a situation like that, and I found other employment.......with a company that has made me feel that if anything isnt right, that I can go and talk to them about it, and hopefully they will come up with a possible solution. [/font:6260f0c93a]
If you look at the original post.......I had posted the exact same link earlier in the day. http://www.emtcity.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=4511
A friend of mine sent this to me in an e-mail. If it has already been posted I do apologize. But after I seen this and was in tears from laughin so hard, it was impossible to not share with anyone. Have fun! [/font:193523c64f]
Ya know I 'ran' my first code as a medic at the end of February this year. I've only been a medic since October. We were the first crew on scene, and immediately, other than scene safety and bsi, I went right to work on the airway and taking control of that. We were successful on gettin the airway and an IV line, when another medic that was there had talked to the family about the patient's history, etc. Just as I was about to push the Epi, the patients doc had called the family and spoke with them about the patient's condition, etc. With the family's and the doc's permission, we terminated all resuscitation efforts. The family was upset and sad that they had lost a member of their family, as expected. Until the funeral home people had arrived, my partner and I stayed with that family, there was a wife and 2 or 3 daughters present. We spoke about all of his accomplishments in his past, the fact that he was a veteran, etc. And before we left the scene, my partner and I had done something, that you never hear of anymore.........we showed them compassion, I felt, rather than just leave and not show that we care. We even hugged the family members and expressed our sorrow for their loss. Even though I know that code was not ran by the books, we did what we were supposed to do, care for the patient, AND the family members that were present. Even though I was a nervous wreck, it was one of the calls that I felt and knew that I did everything right, and did not second guess myself! [/font:2050e4e071]
Dustdevil in Iraq-with pictures!
medstudent30 replied to RogueMedic's topic in Tactical & Military Medicine
Dust, you will be in my thoughts and prayers. Please come home safely!!!! [/font:bd3ecda3a0] -
I live in Ohio, I CERTAINLY HOPE that they do not do away with National Registry. Even with Registry though, there are still idiots out there doin their thing. :angry4: [/font:57666f6f0d]
My first job, we worked 24's. If you had less than 5 hours of down time, then you got paid the whole 24, other than that it was hour for hour.....meaning if we went to a call and got a refusal, we got one hour for 15 minutes or so of work. The next job that I worked 24's, we were paid 20/24 unless we ran one call during the day and one call after 1 am. Where I am now, you work 24 you get paid 24, as for down time, if its there it gets taken. So if I have my truck checked and all equipment accounted for as well as making it pretty.......and then I don't run any calls, I basically get to do what I want, when I want (as long as I ain't goin into a bar and gettin liquored up while on duty). [/font:4d97e6aded]
I live in Ohio, and have been in EMS for approximately 8 years. My first job as an EMT-B was $6.50 per hour, and at that time I had 2 children, one four year old, and a newborn. When I first too the job I was told to pack clothes for 2 weeks, and buddy they weren't lying! My first paycheck was over $1000 take home (including OT). I however do not work there anymore, because they don't pay what they should. At the time yes I was making money, but at the cost of not seeing my family. Through out the years I worked for a "Nationally Known" company and made a little bit more an hour but the drive was killing me with gas costs. So I took a position closer to home, didn't make as much but much easier on the gas bill for my car. Now I work at a company where I am making $10/hour as a Medic........ most money I have ever made per hour. Only reason I am still there now and haven't moved on is because I have some decent insurance, which is something that I have never had before in my life was health care. So in Ohio, and I'm not sure how close you are to Ohio but it may be a consideration. I do have to agree though, it is a shame that our EMS People do not make more on the hour for what they have to do and put up with. But even though I struggle, I still manage to make it! My kids don't wear Abercrombie & Fitch clothes, but then again I don't wear Calvin Clines (which were the jeans when I was growin up). My kids have a home, clothes on their backs, food in their bellies, are active in sports and other things. So trust me if I can do it, so can you![/font:f1e60d8ba4]
(Gets on her SOAPBOX) In the area that I work in you can bet you LAST DOLLAR that you have in your pocket that during the winter months (from around middle of October to middle of April) that one particular hospital diverts to the next closest hospital. Well, while en route to that hospital (which is about 12 miles away) THEY have closed their doors and are refusing to take patients. SOOOOOOOO the next hospital on down the line is about 20 - 25 miles away from the last facility. We have come to the conclusion that when we THINK that one of those hospitals are on diversion...........we have dispatch call to see if they are accepting patients. What I do not understand is WHY they close to EMS traffic...........but if you pull in to their facility in a private vehicle, you WILL be treated. If they are a trauma patient, we will of course call for Lifeflight or transport to a trauma facility. (gets off of her SOAPBOX) But honestly, I do have to say that it is ridiculous when your calling in to a facility with your radio report to hear from them that you need to divert. I mean how do you tell your patient that you have to go to another facility? It only makes them look bad, in my opinion, to hear that come across the radio. If they are going to close to anything but major illness/injury, then they should have a representative from the hospital call all the local EMS services to say "Hey we aren't taking anything minor, please advise your crews." Just my little piece of opinion. [/font:78321ecc7e]
The school that I went to did not require a thesis paper, or even a book report for that matter. However, the Anatomy class that I took part of the final was about the Reproduction System. Well I brought it home and hit it full force. My instructor really did not specify how he wanted that part of the completed. Needless to say he did have some heavy reading to do. I turned in an 11 page report on the Reproduction System. During my medic class itself, we had a guest lecturer one day. He is a doctor in an emergency room, and he lectured to us about ACS. He asked a quesion about how ASA works with ACS, and everyone was afraid to answer this guy because of how he spoke to us. He required us to write a paper about ASA and how it works in ACS, nothing long he said, and to turn it in next class. Well I did that, I also learned to talk more so I didn't have to do another paper.[/font:b1995257fc]
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO that's what guys do in the bathroom? And ya all talk bout women taking their time????? LMAO [/font:a445a308f5]
In the hospital it is one thing, in the field it is another. We are only allowed to accept Ohio DNR-CC or DNR-CCA, no living wills. As much as I would like to, we aren't allowed to accept them. Some people feel that if they have a living will that it works the same as a DNR, but unfortunately it isn't the same when it comes to working a code at a scene or nursing home. That is one this I always ask for is a copy of the patients DNR. If it is a nursing home, they usually include a copy with their paperwork, but if it is a private residence, and they present me with a living will, I explain to the family that if something should happen, that we would have to treat the patient (for example if they quit breathing, etc). I advise them that if that patient really did not want extra measures taken to sustain their life, it is in their best interest to get a DNR-CC or DNR-CCA from their doctor. Even though I thoroughly believe in DNR's, I also believe that if they have a DNR and there is something wrong with them that they can be treated for, then they should be treated. In my opinion, DNR is their insurance policy that if something should happen, that they do not want the extra measures taken. DNR does not mean Do Not Treat, it means Do Not Resuscitate. Time and again I have had patients or their families hand me a Living Will. Yes, a patients wishes should be expressed on paper so that everyone is clear on it, but, if Ohio is going to allow hospitals to accept them, then they need to make changes for EMS. I have had so many people tell me, "This is my wish" or "This is their wish". Fine I can respect that. But Ohio Law needs to change regarding that. After explaining to the patient and/or their family about the fact that EMS is not allowed to accept Living Wills, and that they are only allowed to accept the Ohio DNR-CC or DNR-CCA, and that if their wish was really not to be resuscitated, then they need to have a conversation with their MD or DO regarding the matter of getting a DNR status. I have transported patients in the past and their family was there with them. The patient was dying. Family is there saying "Isn't there anything you can do to help them?" One of the hardest things that I have had to do was to tell them that they along with their doctor agreed for a DNR, and that the only thing I can do is to make them comfortable. Their wishes were clearly stated on the DNR. Most times now when you go into hospice care, you have to have a DNR or the hospice will not accept you as a patient. Ohio needs to just have one paper that is legal with EMS and with hospitals. That way confusion is cut down to a bare minimum, and people fully understand.[/font:36568ab689]
Ohio does not accept living wills either. You are either a DNR-CC or DNR-CCA.[/font:b089ffb85f]
[/font:a0f6160b3d]Here is one for WNL....We Never Looked
Well now that the subject had gotten off the topic, I'm going to say this. I do not miss work because of family. I take my work and my job very seriously, I'm sorry that I just happened to get into doing EMS a little bit later in life that what other people did. I worked 2 full time jobs, and was in school atleast 3 days a week (not including clinicals). Everything I did in almost the last 2 years was to benefit my family more than to benefit myself. I'm sorry if I made a promise to him to FINISH college before I go back to go into nursing, not to mention that I felt that I needed the break. It is now his turn to finish college. Relationships work on 50/50 terms. He gave his 50% when I was in school and did the womanly duties so that I could go to school. Now it is his turn. Eventually I will go back to college to get a degree in Nursing, so be it if I am 50 years old when I do decided to do it. Right now my family needs me to do family oriented things. Oh and by the way, I work 40+hours a week and still have time to play Madden with my son and dolls with my girls. :wink: [/font:5cd9ff2c08]
Please do not take what I had said in my previous post the wrong way......I should have said that I spent almost 2 years away from my family, my children and watching them grow and develop, missing out on football games, PTA meetings etc. to go to Medic school. And now it is my fiancee's turn to go to school, I am not going to mess that up for him........maybe when he is done with school and my children are a little bit older, then I would probably reconsider my choice, but now my family needs me more than I need to go to school (with the exception of CEU's). [/font:a506e6824b]