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Everything posted by Katee

  1. It has been awhile... but I'm back!!!!!!!!!

  2. On my way home since i'm cancelled for the day. Nothin to do til later. Geez

  3. On my way home since i'm cancelled for the day. Nothin to do til later. Geez

  4. On my way home since i'm cancelled for the day. Nothin to do til later. Geez

  5. Katee


    I tweet. I'm not self-absorbed... I'm just bored. www.twitter.com/misskate_10
  6. The most common call here is probably 'difficulty breathing'. Following that, next common would probably be 'sick person'.
  7. Ohhh man, that sounds yummy! Keep those coming!
  8. Oh darn... We're using Emergency Care in the Streets from AAOS. Thank you for the thought though!
  9. Wow, really? Hmmm! Its not that we won't go to the class if we don't get a grant or loan or help. We're just curious about these things. Thanks for your help
  10. "Everything" by Buckcherry.
  11. A friend and I registered for a Paramedic class thru BC3 in PA a couple of months ago. We started looking at the book list for the class... let me tell you, the books are expensive! The total comes to nearly $550.00. :pukeleft: For some people that may not be much, but for others, it is quite an expense. On the other hand, my friend that goes to college says we have it easy and that her books total waaay more than that! Soooo... does anyone know of any textbook grants? We realize there are things like Amazon out there, but why pay for something if someone else is willing to give it away for free? Thanks for your help! -Edit... also, this is the site for our class information. If you scroll to page 18, you will find the book list. http://bc3.edu/publicsafety/pdf/PSTraining.pdf
  12. "Ah! There's Klinger!"
  13. Negative. I'll take my lollypop, toys, and go home. I think we should stick a fork in the whole ALS vs. BLS idea... its waaaay done.
  14. First... what the heck... idk why I have two posts up of the same thing... weird. Sorry bout that. I understand what you mean. I know that it sounds ridiculous. It is kind of funny how one word can change the attitude of a response. "Professional" paramedic service.
  15. To answer just the question at hand... "are volunteer ems services beneficial?" Yes... Out here in the boonies, where you're half an hour from the hospital, its absolutely necessary to have volly ems services. Most of you think that volly ems services comprised entirely by EMT's are a waste of time... If that is indeed how you feel, then think of it as a calming effect, much like giving a child a lollypop at the doctor's office. I'm offering some of you "haters", so to speak to come out and see how things operate here.
  16. Sooooo I'm guessing that no one is going...
  17. Woooo hooo... I just found out that I'm not paired with him for my next shift. I nearly peed my pants... Oh and Reaper, the pay sucks. =] But... we're never busy.
  18. Well... he'd probably give me the same dumb look he gives me all the time... so I wouldn't know how effective that would be... haha. I'd like to light his butt on fire just to see him move... Hmmmmm....!
  19. How about working with a paramedic who pretends not to hear you (or maybe he cant), his patient, or dispatch? How about sitting in an ambulance station for 16 hours, no calls, with a medic who won't speak to you, or help you with station duties? The only effin time he hears me is when I finally get pi$$ed off enough to call him names in a low tone... How about working with a paramedic who pretty much tells you that the only thing he wants you to do is drive? I can't stand this guy. Our boss won't even work with him. He's old, stubborn, and his bedside manner sucks a$$. He will not have a conversation with you or speak to you. It doesn't matter if you have a question about the call or if you're just saying "hey how ya doin?". We only run one ambulance out of our paid station. So, two crew members... a partner who doesn't talk... 16 hours of that just plain sucks. Our boss is always asking the other partner (which would be me 99% of the time) if the medic has done his station duties. He never does... and won't be fired because we are hurting for paramedics. Sometimes, there really isn't any way to deal with a bad partner... Sorry, but I had to get in on the rant.
  20. LOL nevermind... Hey... there are hot chicks here too. Look at me! Just kidding.
  21. Misuse? Why don't you take that up with the company? While you're at it, tell them you're taking over and that if you're not from Canada, you're far from perfect. I'm sure they'll level with you.
  22. Hmmm... I stand corrected . I've been here a couple years. The subject has been drawn out for a really, really, long time. Its going nowhere. People either are in support of basics, or think that we shouldn't exist. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Argh... there's really no point fighting anymore... haha, who am I kidding? As long as there's EMT City, there will be a debate about basics! I've always wanted to be first lady...
  23. What the heck! We're really getting the shaft in Northwest PA... I make $7.15/hour (part time)... but I can't complain though. We have a low call volume. I've been on since 0800 and it is now 1440. We haven't had a call all day yet! I don't know of too many services around here that pay more than $8.50 an hour for EMT-Bs. Our medics don't make very much either. I've heard that in the central part of the state that EMS providers bring in more. Hmmm...
  24. So, if he's supposedly the president of EMT City, can we impeach him? Just curious...
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