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Everything posted by str8upparamedic

  1. Try to stay focused on the task at hand and that is your education. I know...easier said than done. But if things dont work out, you are going to have to rely on yourself. And God ...of course. Pray for God's will and his peace. I hope all works out for you. But remember...when God closes one door...he opens another. And he is always with you
  2. lactating
  3. regulate
  4. submission
  5. remedy
  6. sarcoidosis
  7. label
  8. pink
  9. dig
  10. cereal
  11. sauce
  12. not give up
  13. dirty
  14. wino
  15. beach
  16. but we love
  17. because he's lonely :wink:
  18. I used to work in skilled nursing facilities, several years back, as a cna. I always felt like I was the only one that had any sense among the staff or compassion for the residents. I was overworked as they were always under staffed. I worked night shift and there were times there were only 2 of us for the whole building. There were 168 patients and 4 wings. Trying to get the nurses to get off their butts and help was unthinkable. It was all we could do to keep the residents dry, answer call lights and shower and dress those that wanted up, much less get vital for the nurses who would sit at the desk all night cracking jokes. They wouldnt even take their own vitals. They barely got up to do rounds to pass out meds. Trying to get one up to give a tylenol was a major chore. One night I answered a call light This wasnt my patient or even on my wing, but I got tired of hearing the bell ringing, so I went to check. First I went to find the cna and found her outside smoking with some of the nurses. Noone showed up so I answered the call. This man was having chest pains and asked for his nitro. So...I went to tell his nurse. This started at 12 am. She said ok...be there in a minute. So I told the man that his nurse was on her way and went about taking care of mine. His light comes on again around 1...I answer....no nurse as of yet. I got really angry and went to her again. Around 3 am, she refuses to give his nitro. This man is begging me not to let him die. I told the nurse that if she didnt do something that I was gonna call the medics myself and get him to a hospital where he would be taken care of. Around 4 am she makes the call. She said that she didnt want to do the paperwork on him if he died. So the medics arrive. I am the only 1 in the room with this man. they start questioning me and I start giving them report. They asked why they werent called sooner. As soon as I started answering , the head nurse comes in and physically throws me out of the room. She told me to keep my mouth shut. The man was taken to the hospital but died from a massive heart attack. I called the state, found the medics that answered the call and told them what had happened. I couldnt take it anymore, so I got out of that mess. I will Never send one of mine to a nursing facility. And I hope I never wind up in one. There might be a few decent facilities where the staff actually care, but they are rare. Trust me. This isnt a crack on nurses. I have worked with very committed, caring and compassionate nurses. But I have also worked with undesirable ones too. The horror stories I could tell you would blow your mind. I worked with two that would pop the patients pills right in front of me. One was fired and the other got busted in a routine traffic stop. She had pill cards in her pocket. Stole them right off the med cart. I feel for those who continue to work in facilities, the ones who actually do care. And I feel for the residents who have to live in them. God bless them all. As for me....my heart and my nerves couldnt take it. I couldn't fight them anymore. And I couldnt stand by and watch this kind of stuff go on.
  19. that stunk like
  20. his favorite beer
  21. with jalapeno peppers
  22. He liked crabs
  23. one that likes
  24. except for Spenac
  25. but he likes
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