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Everything posted by emt-b_wa

  1. fiznat, I work in the northwest for AMR and our contract is ok here in our operation but still needs a bit of work. The best contract held by AMR emploies in this area is from King county, Washington They are represented by the teamsters. I like it because it has one rate of pay no more diffrent rates for diffrent shifts. I dont have a copy rediely avaible to me but I would start there.
  2. I just had to go and use that it was great
  3. We use them frequently. We call them SPRNT units ( pronounced sprint) Single paramedic response non-transport. They work well for the rual areas that run skeleton crews.
  4. Well the side effects are not as bad as some of the drugs on the market
  5. 62 but that took me a few tries
  6. I love to see the two of the in a knock down, drag out fight. My money is a O'riley
  7. ugh. I dont watch much TV and I have seen that ad to many times
  8. EMT-b classes here in Grays harbor are free, however, there is a stipulation. You must be sponsored by an ems agency here on the harbor and you must pass the class. If you fail or get kicked out your department foots a $1200 bill. EMT-I class same thing
  9. I dont know what it's like in califorina, however, Here in WA EMTs for amr olympia start at 8.08 on a 24 hr shift and can go as high as 11.90 after 12 years. Starting with no ot you make 27k.
  10. Well thats what you deserve if you mix electricty with watter
  11. well I am in three years now and still love my job as much as I did when I started. I guess I'll have to reevaluate in a few years.
  12. Well I supose he forgot to turn down the heater
  13. Only GW
  14. EAT HIM please
  15. thats prety funny. I didnt fall for it but I double clicked the text and saw the writting
  16. While in high school I wanted to become a MD. I had the grades I even graduated HS early and was excepted to several State and private colleges. I was right on tract. However at the end of my last year in highschool I attended a national youth leadership fourm on medicine. During the time I spent there I was given the opportunity to shadow several different MDs, DOs and PAs, while shadowing and ER doc I was talking to a paramedic and he offered to take me out on a ride along. After getting clearance to do so I rode with him for the last 8 hours of his shift, during that time I realized that That was what I wanted to do. I didn't need to become a MD. I have no regreets as of yet I love my job even though I despise my company and I am getting ready for medic school.
  17. right on
  18. Doesn't work
  19. Thats a good story I think I've seen it before. Oh what kids will say
  20. thats sounds like something our dispatch would do to us.
  21. wow just let the poor guy make his bread
  22. today was just one of those days it wasent worth chewing through the leather restraints. I think I need to put that on the celling of my ambulance above the cot
  23. Wasen't this already posted some were?
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