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Everything posted by emt-b_wa

  1. Well if the democrats have there way that just may be how it ends up
  2. those are pretty good. Why is nothing free at wal-mart yet?????
  3. HA HA yes I am an Evil Boss sounds about right if I was to ever have that desire Description Score Salary 7/10 Education 7/10 Job Satisfaction 9/10 Community Contribution 1/10 Pulling Power 1/10 Uniform 6/10 Total 31/60
  4. LOL thats funny
  5. Lets face being it the private sector we can not Rely on the goverment to provide any sort of benniffit for our death. It would be nice but thats asking alot. My company pays 50k for A+D And gives us the option to buy a supplement up to 1 mil. The best thing any one can do for there families is to have some for something ever happens.
  6. One of the hospitals in our area does that for medic units. It is on a plasma screen between the first and second door to the ER so you can see it wheeling in. It contains your unit number, patient CC. and room assingment. It is kind of nice to have
  7. state just that. IE patient responds to verbal commands inappropriately or with garbled speach
  8. linens are a big thing but it all comes out in the wash. We make take a blanket from one hospital and drop it at another but it all evens out in the end
  9. I cant speak for scope of practice but AMR is advertising a $5000 sign on bonus for paramedics, however this is payed out over five years. This offer is primarly in the southeast operations
  10. Cool an ape heart. Sounds fun count me in
  11. :shock: Wow that last post was long. My thoughts on badges, If your service/ department doesn't issue them you don't need one. If your service/department issues them they should be cloth sowed on to your uniform to give your patients less to grab onto. Metal badges can give that psych patient a very handy weapon.
  12. I have looked in to carrying my own insurance myself, while the prices are not bad, you have to consider this. 1 If you operate within your protocols and have good documentation they will not be successful. and 2 The company you work for should have you covered, look in to that first.
  13. The only time that I use trendelenburg is when an IV is not easily obtained. This is because it is estimated to give the patient an extra two liters of fluid in the upper body. This makes IV access easier and as was said earlier pop up real nice if you need to go that route. but others make very good points as well. Lung function an ICP can be effected by doing this. It all comes down to weighing the risk and benefits at the time for your specific patient
  14. I have seen a few priapisms and none have eveway ever gone away. One of them was so bad that it had become black and blue. I didnt know that was posible with a priapism.
  15. sucks for that guy
  16. Same holds true in Idaho
  17. I with him I should be studing too but not yet.
  18. Todo Sandydowns How they came up with that is beyond me
  19. thats s*!&s funy i dont care what you say
  20. The fish finder has got to be converted to make a EKG monitor rednecks can be very creative.
  21. emt-b_wa

    EMS music

    How can you leave out another one bites the dust? Oh wait its been posted before thats right :roll:
  22. true, kinda funny but way to long
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