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Everything posted by emt-b_wa

  1. I see no harm in people using pot in the privancy of there own home and they dont go any were. (I dont because of the job I'm in) but you don't go and tell the cops that some one stole your illegal drugs. Canidate for stupid person of the year any one?
  2. I am unfortunately a current employe of AMR. There are both pros and cons for working for them. Ultimately they are about profit and only profit. I work in a union shop and they do provide ok health care plans, just don't get injured. I was cleared by my doc to return to work and they can keep you from working for up to 14 days with out pay. AMR is in the 911 field all around the country here we have four different operations three are third party services that have contracts with different fire departments, and one that is primary ALS for a county I belive over in the east of the state there are several areas were they are primary als as well.
  3. Before I start I know that I don't have all the years of experience that some of the people have on this site, however I was in your position not to long ago. The other replies are spot on, A good resume can make or break you. I'am only 20 and I have a resume that is five or six pages long now and I constantly keep updating it. As far as being paid for your services and not transporting goes, I don't know how things work were you live, but here the only chance you have of doing that is being hired by a fire department specifically on an engine or were they have a private company do all their transports. Just my thoughts though
  4. $1000 Place me face down so i can see were I'm going
  5. Ok so my girlfriend and I have a major delima. I have have been in ems for three years now and we are just getting serrious in our relationship. However there is one problem. She doesn't know if she handle the life style that the job brings with it. She is very supportive of me and thinks that ems is a noble job but doesn't like the life style. She'd like to think that she would be a big enough person to get past the strain ems puts on a relationship, but thinks she may be to high maintence. We have both had lengthy conversations as to what is the best course of action. Wait until things build up to the point where bitter fights ensue and things get ugly, or, walk away now, friends? I know that this site has thousands of ems workers and family members on it so I look to you for help on what the best course of action is?
  6. Thats awsome. I want one. :twisted:
  7. I was part of a team caring for a step one truma where we required airlift northwest and one of the first things they brought out was a 100ml bag labled hypertonic saline for trial use only. Has any one else run into this. What is hypertonic saline and I thought you had to have expresed consent to use trial medications. Any experience and information would be apreciated. Plus I''m interested in the legality of its use.
  8. ouch. I bet it didn't phase the semi
  9. Here fire and ems are one and the same. For my per-diem job our on duty crew consist of two full time ff/medics at the main station and two ff/emt-iv in sprint units. Both the medics and the emts are fire/rescue/ems we do it all usually the smallest guy get into the car that had just been become fubar. The same holds true 15 miles down the road for the district that i volunteer for. We have 2 ff/medics on duty during the day one at night with usually a volunteer coming in at night. WE are all trained in extra cation and being at least an EMT-b is required. And again smallest most accessible person goes in and starts pt care.
  10. Hope fully that will get some peoples attention
  11. emt-b_wa

    On Top

    I'm still on top
  12. one word. AGH!!!!!!
  13. hungry
  14. Oh boy that's a new one. You almost fell like slapping whoever told him that
  15. I should make a CD of some of these songs and play them for the appropriate patients
  16. emt-b_wa

    On Top

    Ok the young punk thats still wet behind the ears is back on top
  17. EH Sure if you say so
  18. eh I suck 400 points
  19. 67.324 I think that's pretty good but not the best I see
  20. emt-b_wa

    On Top

  21. emt-b_wa

    On Top

    :twisted: Now I'm here and on top so there.
  22. When we have a really sick pt. and we are trying to get to the hospital in the golden hour we can only spend about 10 minutes on scene. But for the average call it's about 15-20 at least. We have a minimum of a 15 minute transport so most of us like to get things done in route to the hospital/
  23. While I am a lowly EMT-B I aspire to join your ranks as a medic after more experience. I must agree with you and say that if your education and training tells you something with an order or protocol I would not follow said protocol.
  24. :shock: thats prety funny
  25. I have taken a liking to an Australian boot. Red backs I but super feet in them and they are so comfortable. I have no foot fatigue, my knees don't bother me and I'm on my feet for at least 12 hrs
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