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Everything posted by rayemtjax77

  1. Only in New York can a person get away with saying S**t over the radio. Totally understandable 100%.. but only in NY can you get away with it.
  2. I think the last question is the most important one. I do feel that they are part of the EMS system. Here in Florida, the private service will get the calls that the Fire/Rescue departments reject for one reason or the other. I have been on countless calls where we would run lights and sirens to a call and when we get there, there is a fire/rescue unit on scene. I personally believe that is wrong, but they do it. ALL THE TIME!
  3. They are not "misutilising" (I like that word) techs.. I was hired because I was an EMT but I was not hired AS an EMT. It does not say EMT on my work badge. It says Patient Care Technician. I have been shown what to look for by Neuologist and ER Drs since patietns see me first in the waiting room. THat way if something is wrong I can let people know in a rapid manner. My job discription here is not in questions.. my position as a Triage tech (which only a few people are trained to be out there), has me doing neuro assessments on people that NEED it. If they come in saying I have had a stroke, they get seen nexted and I check them in and do a quick neuro assessment on them. If nothing seems to be wrong, I still tell the triage nurse immediately and then they see the patient.
  4. The only things I do at the triage desk is I have them grip my fingers, arm drift, raising eye brows, smiling, ask if they have expereinced any headaches lately. That is all I do.. Its kinda like a rapid assessment.. if they fail anything, I immediately let the triage Nurse know.
  5. In my head the wording is correct.. when I type it out it does not sound right.. Call me out.. I have no problems with it... allows me to think better and more accurately.
  6. I am allowed in the ER to go a quick neuro exam on pts at the triage desk to determine if they need to be rushed back right away.. or can wait for the nurse.
  7. I am only the first line.. I was refering to other er techs that are not EMTs. I work with a RN.. they allow me to do these test to help with severity of patient assignment.
  8. Talk about your abuse of the system.
  9. The Local Fire/Rescue department can refuse to take a patient because it is not a emergency if they wanted.
  10. That was correct.. My mistake.
  11. Its a Competition between several different departments over the state.. its a MOCK incident that tests you on several areas on ALS protocols and procedures. U have to do everything in a certain amount of time and do it all correct.
  12. What makes me angry with this situation is the females that are 19 wks pregnant and have not seen a OBGYN yet. In our ER, we do not see pts that are over 20wks with preggo related symptoms. They go to the birthing center.
  13. Our ER here in Florida has a new thing that they have been doing for about 7 months now. If there are empty rooms, the patients are vitalized at the Triage desk and taken straight back to a room. Now.. on the down side to that.. you get your frequent flyers that come in all the time and expect that but the hospital Census is up and we are holding admited pts in the ER awaiting places upstairs, it makes them angry and then they leave. Which looks bad on the ER cause the Left without being seen number goes up.
  14. I work in a ER herein Florida and I was hired becuase I was an EMT but not to be an EMT. In the ER I was just a tech.. I started Foleys, took vital signs, transported patients, cleaned wounds, splinted ortho injuries, cleaned rooms. That sucks and the only time you really get any "EMT" work in is when there is a cardiac arrest pt that comes in.
  15. That is true. Thats why assessments are done like that.
  16. Iits sometimes hard to take the focus away from the trauma that your patient has recently suffered. Its also sometimes hard to notice something that is hard to see. But as I have learned, on EVERY patient that you come in contact with, no matter what the illness/injury, take a step back and go back to the basics... Airway.... Breathing... Circulation. I watched a ACLS competition one time and noticed that the medics were so focused on the scene and number of patients, that not one when through the whole ABCs on any patients. Just take it back to basic... A-B-C's
  17. For everyone out there that think seconds do not count... I had a 46y/o M pt walk.. notice I said walk.. into the Er with Severe CP w/SOB. Now mind you the recess room is about a 10second RUN to get to from the triage desk. I ran the guy back in a wheelchair... when I got him on the stretcher.. he coded (V-Fib), Pt turned blue from the nipple line up. 10 seconds... thats all it took... We shocked him... he went to the cath lab where he had a pacemaker put in.
  18. As an EMT-B working in a Stroke center in North-East Florida, I work as a triage tech and I do neuro assessments on patients all the time. I am the only one that is allowed to do so due to my training as an EMT.
  19. It is not a requirement to be an EMT with any field experience to become a medic, but is sure helps out alot. In medic school here in Florida, even with field experience, its hard to take in all the things that are thrown at you. I can only imagine if you had no field experience.
  20. That particular situation, the shortened time would be Diastolic. Due to the fact that the heart is not pumping as efficent as it needs to be... there for teh pressure going out of the heart will be the lesser of the 2.
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