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  1. thanks to you for your help.
  2. i am going to start my training this year. i have wanted to for a long time but am now getting cold feet, sort of. i like life in a large city. right now i am in atlanta. i would like to move to new york next year if possible. then i may want to come down to ga and work on an ambulance while taking undergrad college courses. coming from a more experienced point of view, i want to know if this sounds reasonable or totally insane? even if i have to exclude the nyc part. if i put in the extra time and effort to be a paramedic after working emt for a while, would it be possible or logical to work part time, or in summers while taking a regular class load? i want to hear peoples stories. how much do you really appreciate this job/career as opposed to being stuck? is the pay a decent living wage for a single person? do you feel like this work takes too much out of you to concentrate on anything else? or do you feel like it is good for transitional periods? is the experience worth it just for the things you'll learn and carry with you? do you wish you had gone another route? if so, why? your opinions and elaborations welcome. my eyes and ears are open. more questions burried somewhere, but for now i will await your replies.
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