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Everything posted by Fireguy273

  1. Where is this surgical talk coming from? I am not talking about a surgical proceedure. The Bougie goes in the mouth and into the trachea in order to help guide the ET tube into the airway that is unable to be completely visualized by traditional intubation techniques. I am looking to see if there are EMS agencies that are currently using it.
  2. Check this article ( or the others that were posted above-they do good at describing it). The Bougie goes in w/o a tube - and then the ET goes over it once you have entered the airway. http://www.metrohealthanesthesia.com/edu/a...asticBougie.htm
  3. Also thanks for the sites that were sent. Hopefully the additional information might give them more information toward what I am asking for. I also included a site on the previous post of the supplier our MedFlight uses to purchase the BOUGIE.
  4. Got it Thanks-I did email some sites to our Medical Control so I am sure that he gets what I am asking about. I just made some errors here. http://www.sunmedusa.com/pg12.shtml
  5. Some seem to be confused about the use of the bougie - it is not a surgical proceedure. It is like someone else mentioned a stylet type device placed into the airway via the same method as the ET tube when you are not able to visualize the vocal cords - a guide if you will to get the tube slide over it and into the correct location. I am looking at many options to add to the "tool box" but also as someone mentioned there are financial concerns with some of the equipment suggested and the boujie is cheap as well as highly recommended by Flight Nurses/Paramedics I know that use them. I am just trying to get my Medical Director to approve of their use. I am unsure why it is necessary for his approval since as someone stated - it is just a stylet - Use it as such. So far.... But I am still trying to lobby for it.
  6. I wasn't sure if we needed the "approval" so I went to our medical control office and talked to them-they said they would ask our medical director and get his ok to use it... and have so far been initially denied - which as you say, doesn't make much sense why we would need approval since we would still be within our scope of practice. Ya wouldn't expect we would need an ok to use a Glide Scope right? Just another tool in the airway tool box is my opinion.
  7. I currently am requesting that my medical control area approve the use of the Boujie for field EMS. It is used currently by the ER/OR in our hospitals and also by Flight Nurse/Medics. I have been asked by the Med Control Representative if there are any Field EMS Agencies that are using this device...Please give input!?! And if you can, link me to your protocols for this.
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