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little green yoda

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Everything posted by little green yoda

  1. ok in the uk we are bless cos we dont use em on all calls if it aint life thretening its coded green and has a non emergency 30 min responce time, although apon info if we feel as clinitians that the call warrents blues n twos then thats what happens, mind you i like the game of using blue lights but trying not to use the two tones from roadside/station to the call and to the hosp, thats always a challenge i think im my opinion it dont really need to be used on nights whens there is no cars or pedestrians about and you have a clear path, unless your like me and adopt the opinion of if im awake so should everybody else be even during the day whats the point if there is nothing about to warn, its the same as using a indicator why do it if there is no one about the signal to? all this is down to drivers descretion, but do realise if you hit anything while on a call you will be at fault if trying to claim exemption under the emergency driving laws by not driving with emergency procedures as for the above person who mentioned we do fake calls for practice? how odd neevr in a million years.. 1 would never get time and 2 it would be far to dangerous
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