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Everything posted by countrygirl24to

  1. MIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! long time last time we talked you just found out you and your wife were expecting CONGRATS TO YOU BOTH.
  2. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its a new begining to advance like Scott Says. May you all have a safe and happy new year.
  3. Congrats Don and Jess!!!!! Enjoy the sweet years while you can cause they grow up so fast. Glad Jess and baby are doing fine. Take Care and Stay Safe
  4. I agree Dust also Wouldn't the word MEDICAL ring a bell in someones mind. Emergency Medical Service is plain clear as to what it stands for.
  5. OH spen!! you know that you leaving EMS would be detrimental to everyone around you and as forums well let them be the idiots who gets reprimanded for what they do.
  6. Ok Spen heres one for you I was recently at a Fire Rescue station doin a ride along. It was lunch time and we had just finished eating. I went to rinse off my spoon when I got a squirt of water from the spray nozzle cause someone had put a rubber band around it. Later at one of their group meeting they have every shift I learned that it was the Chief that did that wasnt meant for me but still it was funny and no one got hurt. spen
  8. Sorry for the lost of your friend and co-worker. My condolences to his family, friends, and Co-workers.
  9. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LONESTAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOPE YOU HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. take the spa pass and leave Bozzie22 as a personal slave for a day
  12. take it I could eventually use one of these Leave a batch of cookies
  13. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you have a great day!!!! Lone if you did that you'd fall and break you hip or worse your neck. Then what are we going to do with you j.k. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN AK!!! BEST WISHES
  14. Nah you were'nt in my veiw point. I just thought it was funny and had to give ya a hard time. Its all good
  15. Very funny Dust very funny. LOL I knew that was going to bite me in the butt. Anyway I dont think 5 years is a long time hence why I said BUT ITS NOT. For some other people it may not seem that way.
  16. I agree Brent. The foundation of a second chance is to prove themselves to those who were wrong that they changed. Five years may seem like a long time but its not when it comes to putting others in danger like drunk driving. I think that should be the standard for anyone providing health care not just fire.
  17. LOL thats funny. All I have to say is: If only life were that predictable.
  18. Give it up for Ruff, Very well put. I think we can ALL agree that WE ALL made mistakes whether they be little or big. We all had an occasional slip of judgment in our lives. It doesnt excuse people from their actions. So why not just take it as a reminder for us, so we dont find ourselves in that situation. Let the person learn from their mistake and prove to those who were involved that they deserve a second chance. Cause We all get second chances to correct ourselves from each little mistake we made throughout life.
  19. Sorry to hear that Doc 5!!!! Your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Hope she get well soon
  20. GET WELL SOON CHEEKY AND BABY!!!!!!!! :flower: :toothy4: :toothy4: :flower: e-flowers to you youre in my thoughts and prayers girl.
  21. heres more echo names 1. Eho 2. kid in the basement 3. lil kid 4. ECHO!!!!! 5. Kiddette
  22. If Spenac is Innocent then I'm a Goddess. I would lean on towards Medic RN or AK.
  23. Ok I'll admit I wondered from time to time on who Admin could be. As I just finished a mystery novel to which I never found out how she got away with that crime. I began to think that some times in life or in a book that great mystery that draws you to enjoy it over and over again is one you that never figure out. I think I rather would like to keep Admin a mystery.
  24. Never Alone---Barlow Girl
  25. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CANADIANMEDIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you have a wonderful day.
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