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Everything posted by rayster

  1. Glad I could drop in! 10 years since I signed up here, it has been forever! I've done a lot of growing up in that time! Rid, you do need to get this party started
  2. Haven't logged in in absolutely ages, but I've got great memories of those that I met on here! Nice to see some familiar people still around, thought I'd say, hey! Hope all is well.
  3. personally, I hate shootouts.... its no way to decide a game of hockey... its just like flipping a coin, but oh well it has to be done somehow. And why is there a question as to who will win?? You've got to have faith in the Canadians! ...i wish them luck....
  4. something about being allergic to eggs - can't get the flu shot. .....i don't remember the last time i had the flu.
  5. nobody told me it was a water game at the time.... I thought it was a land game, and I learned why it isn't.
  6. touch football? alright, I can understand... but tag?? oh please. And, if you really want it to be supervised, then supervise it. ... I doubt it would be that difficult... shouldn't teachers be watching kids during recess anyway? ...if these kids aren't allowed to run around, they wont be as physically active. They'll contribute to the already growing number of overweight and unhealthy children in America. :roll: I am responsible for the banning of Marco Polo at my school after I ran into a fence in grade 6 and cut my head open.... ...but we were still allowed to play tag.
  7. rayster


    lol, or... in other words... MOVE!
  8. ohhh dear.... moose are alot bigger then people give them credit for!!
  9. Thanks for that picture dustdevil.........! its beautiful. excuse me while I turn my head in the opposite direction.. I'm not going to lie and say that the picture doesn't gross me out, and that I'm a perfect example of a young first aider who can do anything and handle everything. Ok, I lied again. The picture doesn't gross me out... but If I saw that in real life then yes... i'd be a little (ok, more then a little) freaked out. I feel like, although you do say otherwise, that there is a general dislike of youngens. Ok, maybe I'm being a bit one sided here because I know that things have been said along the lines of appreciating young involvement and interest in EMS, ect, however I do feel a huge and almost overwhelming "get the heck out of here" feeling. I do find this a bit puzzling, but I'm thinking it might be because I have no idea about what goes on in the states along the lines of volunteer services or 16/17 year old EMT-Bs. I know that if I wanted to be a paramedic in Canada, I wouldn't be able to do this until I was 20 simply because of the 2 years required for the college degree. wooohooo Somehow somebody is always upset about the question of young people... whether it be the question of young people participating in ride alongs, or in cadet programs, or getting involved in the profession to early... I don't think everybody will ever be happy. Theres a big grey area when it comes to young people and their abilities, and of course the idea of us young people simply growing up too fast... and this grey area is perhaps why its such an issue. I shrug my shoulders. I don't know. I just get fustrated with all this back and forth. ....the anwser my friend, is blowing in the wind.... the anwser is blowing in the wind. p.s., EMS49393... being young RULES... If I could live in neverland (as in, peter pan land... not MJ's house) I TOTALLY would. But, as this is not happening... well... I have no choice but to grow up...sort of.. it can wait for later. I'll tell you one thing, when I'm getting grey hair i'll still be young (at heart). Either that or I'll be hit with the grey hair at a young age gene that seems to live in my family in the next few years. I admire your ambition to build a smurf play house anyhow...
  10. torn
  11. rayster

    3 Word Story

    sponge-bob square pants.
  12. among the many things i love about canada... the "i am canadian" beer commercials....
  13. nicely done! (will you be available for autographs later? )
  14. he must have thought it was a hot day... and a perfect time to go for a swim. :?
  15. humorous
  16. I agree with this to some extent.... but what about innocent people suffering? ie mother losing child in tsunami (natural disaster out of human control), a victim of a spontaneous act of violence or even murder... or a young child who has cancer. What lessons are to be learned from the pain and emotional suffering there? Why is it that innocent people should have to suffer? Pain does have a good place but I think it is only beneficial to some people. Lets say I put my hand on a hot stove and I get a nice burn as a result. I won't be doing that again because I'll remember the pain it caused me the first time... I think that in that case or other situations that are similar pain would be the friendly teacher.... however I do not believe that this is always the case.
  17. Ace... Knowledgeable
  18. I know my school doesn't do those mock demonstrations for that exact reason... too gory and emotionally disturbing for our little eyes. OK... fine... They didn't even let my school participate in that program involving a field trip to a hospital to speak with survivors of drunk driving incidents and such. (We might cry )I guess they figure that it will never happen to us.. Sure...Ok, that’s fine too. I hope that we never have to prove you wrong, that’s all. I think that this was discussed previously somewhere else but I know that Simple Plan (a band) put out a song and a music video about DUI targeted towards teenagers entitled... uh... "Untitled" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLkYdZ0wXQ0...plan%20untitled I for one know that that poem distributed by MADD "I went to a party mom" (which I’m sure you are all familiar with) had a huge impact on me personally. I must have first read it in "Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul" when I was 9 or 10 (I know, not exactly a teenager but it still makes you feel cool to know that you are reading a book intended for teenagers ) and I haven't forgotten the poem since. These commercials are really good, and I think they deserve to be on television. As far as the American society living under a giant rock its soo true, I couldn't agree with that more. Too bad there’s nothing to be done about it. :roll:
  19. emsgirl99 - sweet
  20. 200 points... i suck more.
  21. wow.. i really suck at this.. i wont even say how many seconds i lasted.
  22. rayster

    Head Trauma

    ahahahah i love the play on words this woman sounds nuts.
  23. ahh oxidation and redudtion... LEO the lion says GER (loosing electrons is oxidation, gaining electrions is reduction) .... just wrote my grade 12 biology exam... :roll: (i loooove cellular respiration)
  24. i cant get more then 2 ... :roll:
  25. rayster

    O Canada...

    Yes!!! Medicnorth i know EXACTLY how you feel i am a flames fan myself (however i am first and foremost a leafs fan...) , and I can't wait to get back to hating the oilers.. they just came out of nowhere!!And yes, as much as it hurts, GO OILERS! I know all the words to O Canada in English and French, and the American anthem as well. (from watching all those hockey games..)
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