I'm 15 years old and interested in being a paramedic when I'm older. My city's EMS has a "Medvent" (medical venturers) program for youths ages 14 to 25. I'm not part of it (yet) I'm signing up this September, should be interesting. Toronto EMS operates the program in partnership with scouts Canada. I guess it's main use is recruitment... its supposed to expose high school youth to the career opportunities in EMS through "hands on" learning. The program has three levels to it (basic medvent, intermediate medvent, and advanced medvent) the levels are usually achieved over three years. For the basic level you are taught standard first aid and CPR and get 24 hours of community service (we need 40 to graduate from high school) and the intermediate level includes wilderness first aid and CPR + an additional 48 hours of community service. The advanced level medvent puts you in the first responder program, allows you to do 2 ride alongs, and gives you an additional 96 hours of community service. If you started the program at 14 years old, you wouldn't get to the advanced level until you were 17 or 18. The group (25 people or so) meets once a week, alternating between EMS training and scouting. The community service hours are gained through assisting at EMS events, charities, displays at malls, parades, and fairs...things like that. The program uses courses from TEMS first aid, Saint John's Ambulance, and the Red Cross to teach the kids involved. Well, this is what I'm getting myself into for the next three years...