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Everything posted by rayster

  1. rayster

    O Canada...

    they also broadcast the lyrics on the big screen
  2. rayster

    O Canada...

    don't be hatin'
  3. rayster

    O Canada...

    wow... i would have loved to have been there.... and the guy singing at the 52 second mark... i believe he's the equipment manager or something like that for the oilers... and hes mentally retarded. but hes awsome, and apparently very proud to be canadian.
  4. HAah "mooooood" (i thought it was funny) i hate it when i spell words soo wrong that microsoft word can't recognize what im trying to say... :roll:
  5. JakeEMT - I'm VERY suprised you didn't put down i'mahuricanesfanophobia....now THATS something to be scared of. :wink:
  6. haha I was thinking more along the lines of whirlpools in the ocean...
  7. I'm Goldie Brockhouse of Loamsdown, nice to meet you!!
  8. Nucleomituphobia- Fear of nuclear weapons. <-- i think this is legitimate... Myrmecophobia- Fear of ants. <-- oh god... spiders? snakes? throw them at me. ANTS? they freak the daylight out of me. Especially when they all gather together GAHHh Dinophobia- Fear of whirlpools. <-- goes along with my fear of drowning... Aviophobia - Fear of flying <-- i can't sleep the night before im going somewhere on an airplane, or when a family member of mine is on an airplane. The sound that gives me the shivers is when people crack their knuckles. Just thinking about it... its like nails on a chalkboard.
  9. :shock:
  10. mmhm right, and telling people older then you to f off shows that you have tons of respect and maturity... :? a pet peeve of mine: people who know that they've done or said something wrong, and then when approached about it will turn it back on you and remind you of all the wrong things you have said and done in the past, related or not.
  11. Dust, I don't think that you would have to worry too much about firing her. Looks like she may just quit...
  12. haha alright, thats me The person below me has stuck their tongue to a metal poll in the wintertime....
  13. the one i'm with is with the boy scouts of canada (which, by the way, is also for girls...) look at this website, you may find it helpfull: http://www.toronto.ca/ems/special_programs/medvent.htm
  14. I was born in the 80's!!! (December of 89) almost in the 1990's.....
  15. I'm 15 years old and interested in being a paramedic when I'm older. My city's EMS has a "Medvent" (medical venturers) program for youths ages 14 to 25. I'm not part of it (yet) I'm signing up this September, should be interesting. Toronto EMS operates the program in partnership with scouts Canada. I guess it's main use is recruitment... its supposed to expose high school youth to the career opportunities in EMS through "hands on" learning. The program has three levels to it (basic medvent, intermediate medvent, and advanced medvent) the levels are usually achieved over three years. For the basic level you are taught standard first aid and CPR and get 24 hours of community service (we need 40 to graduate from high school) and the intermediate level includes wilderness first aid and CPR + an additional 48 hours of community service. The advanced level medvent puts you in the first responder program, allows you to do 2 ride alongs, and gives you an additional 96 hours of community service. If you started the program at 14 years old, you wouldn't get to the advanced level until you were 17 or 18. The group (25 people or so) meets once a week, alternating between EMS training and scouting. The community service hours are gained through assisting at EMS events, charities, displays at malls, parades, and fairs...things like that. The program uses courses from TEMS first aid, Saint John's Ambulance, and the Red Cross to teach the kids involved. Well, this is what I'm getting myself into for the next three years...
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