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  1. About 30 intubations, just 4 in ambulance. And about 100 LMA:s. I have spend most of my time in the OR this year.
  2. Watch this guy gets painrelief with Ketamine! The sounds he makes is common after having Ketamine. He also gets 10mg Diazepam and 2 mg Midazolam http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugp6898rT5Y
  3. Sounds midevil. No pain medication for abdominal pain? Patients with collum fractures we give pain mediciations (Ketobemidon or Morfin and 2g Paracetamol), start an Glucos dripp, give oxygen. When we arrive to the hospital we take blood tests, change clothes and take the patient to x-ray. After that we leave the patient in the ortopedic section. Only if we get a new job the ER takes over the patient.
  4. The system in Sweden, Australia and Holland are very similar to each other when it comes to training and protocols I think. You have to be a nurse (3 years)+ 1 year of prehospital training before you can work prehospital. I work as an anhestestic nurse and in ambulance and it´s common that ambulance personel work like this. Halftime in the ER, IC or the OR
  5. We have: Diazepam Midasolam Propofol Ketobemidon Morphine Paracetamol Ketamine Entonox Diklofenac We dont have to call for order. When I have an ICU patient we also have Alfentayl an Fentanyl. I work in Sweden.
  6. We have the WhisperFlow Fixed and have used it for 15 years now. Saved a lot of life in that period.
  7. http://circ.ahajournals.org/cgi/reprint/CI...NAHA.107.189380 http://www.erc.edu/index.php/docLibrary/en/viewDoc/775/3/
  8. http://www.ccjm.org/PDFFILES/Ewysuppl1_07.pdf
  9. http://www.jolife.com/doc/LUCAS-White-paper.pdf
  10. If you have the LUCAS device and the Boussignac tube you can focus on medications...... http://www.jolife.com/doc/Gillis%20The%20u...008%20p-ERC.pdf http://www.jolife.se/images/movies/view.ph...&height=288 http://www.buffalohospital.org/ahs/news.ns...wspage/LUCAS_08
  11. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?D...Pubmed_RVDocSum http://www.jolife.com/doc/Maule%20L%20assi...%20and%20Fr.pdf
  12. I still belive that Mercedes E-class is the best ambulance to work in. This Chevrolet is build in Sweden and I like that you can access the patient from three ways. http://www.ambulansproduktion.se/filer/Pro...09_07-09-10.pdf
  13. Some interesting links! http://www.emedicine.com/ped/topic2598.htm Also take a look at the Air/Oxygen Blender and the NeoPuff that we use in the OR http://www.junnimed.com/products4.htm http://www.fphcare.com/neonatal/resuscitation_products1.asp http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=A...2c61330f349a474
  14. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1627164...ogdbfrom=pubmed
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