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  1. We actually almost had a similar call like that recently that i myself was not on but had another emt-b call me and ask later what I would have done. Personally if it were me on the call, I would have had my partner initiate CPR and explain to the family the deal with the DNR. At this time I would call Medical control and found out what to do. Per our protocols in our rural county, we have to do CPR unless it is valid, to have my rear covered this is what I would unfortunately have to do.
  2. Weird to read that others feel that same way.... everytime I am on call I get almost butterflies and it seems like everytime sure enough the pager tones.
  3. I was taught in my EMS class here in washington and as a protocol to us that you never give anything by mouth to anyone that is unconcious. I have unfortunately been on the scene as a trainee when I was new out of class to a unconcious diabetic and the two guys I was with gave the pt oral glucose and it didn't do a thing since she wasn't able to swallow. There is too big of a aspiration issue.
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