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Everything posted by surfersweety415

  1. I was the same person who failed the NREMT-B exam...TWICE! Well...2 months of studying finally paid off because i PASSED yesterday!!!!! My test stopped on question 70--i was sure i failed but to my surprise i didnt! phew. But thankyou to everyone in here who helped me and answered all my silly questions and gave me practice test sites! Im registered in Los Angeles County..and im getting my extended scope of practice certificate in a couple of days.
  2. Thankyou for all of your answers... Basically, im trying to pass this NREMT-B exam..and im getting frustrated because they go by "textbook only". Believe me...im well aware that in the field everything changes...but right now im just trying to answer the questions in the way "they" want them to be answered so i can pass the test. As far as PPV goes... In school, we only said "Positive Pressure Ventilations" and we werent allowed to just say "bag the pt". Again...is an example of "textbook" as opposed to what its like in the field. Now...for testing purposes..in the book it states to adminster PPV with supp. O2 if the pt's breathing rate OR tidal volume is inadequate. It doesnt make sense to me to do that if the pt's breathing rate is only slightly above normal if he has good/equal tidal volume. In the question they will usually give you choices like.. The pt has a breathing rate of 32 bpm with good/equal tidal volume. What are your interventions? A. nasal canula @ 6lpm B. Nonrebreather @ 15lpm C. PPV via BVM with supp. O2 D. insert oral airway. So normally in the field you would choose B. but according to the book..it would be C. So im not sure what to put on the actual exam....if i were to come across a question like that.
  3. Ok, so im the one who failed the NREMT-B twice...im deep into studying right now so i can pass it this time.and i have a question!! So according to the textbook..if the breathing RATE or TIDAL volume is inadequate..then you do PPV with supp. O2. So keeping that in mind... whenever i do some practice tests and theres a question where a pt has a breathing rate of lets say...30 bpm...with good/equal tidal volume, i choose to do ppv with suppl. O2. But then i get marked WRONG? Why why whyyyy am i getting marked wrong on a question like that? Can anyone help? :?
  4. What does first aid have to do with nursing school? What will California come up with next... Working as an EMT while im in nursing school will give me an advantage over others. Because Hospitals hire ER EMT's...and being exposed to the ER earlier on will help get my foot in the door...if you get what im sayin
  5. yes, i see where your coming from. However, the class i took was not a 4 week first aid class by any means. It was a semester long course from january to june. And it wasnt first aid, it was an EMT class covering anatomy and physiology as well. I think the way they do things where you are, is different than how we do things here. Because taking a first aid class was just a pre-req to get into the class i took...
  6. haha ur trippin...Orange College is in Southern California
  7. I took My EMT class at Orange Coast College...my teacher has like an 87% pass rate. and the class was super hard. But i passed with flying colors and had a final grade of a 95%. I think i got over confident the first time. and didnt study much for the NREMT-B...and took it right after my class and failed it. I passed on every catagory except Pediatrics. So i studied mostly peds the second time and to my surprise...i hardly saw any questions at all on peds! I got my results back from the 2nd test and i passed every catagory except ambulance operations! what a load of bull. I should have just studied everything all over again. Well my plan for this time around is to reread everything and take as many practice tests as i can get my hands on... Im currently taking my pre reqs to get into Nursing School so i really need to pass this! I know i can do it..
  8. ya....i did. i dont see how i could have failed either....i mean i know my stuff really good, and my text book from front to back! i think those retarded questions tripped me up. Some of the wordings of those questions dont make any sense! Also...does anybody know anything about computer based testing? I had a friend whos an EMT-B tell me that the slower you take to answer the questions, the more likelyhood of you passing because the questions get easier. Is that true????? Well im NOT giving up and im studying my brains out because i WILL pass this test!!
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