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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I too was taught the SOAP method in school. But my personal opinion is that it misses some key details. So I kinda devised my own format. It just so happens that it is basically the CHART formula. Never heard of it but I will definantly be using it from now on to help me remember. After a call I can get a little foggy in the brain and forget things.
  2. I don't have a learning disability but I do have test anxiety. You didn't specify what your disability is so if it is testing problems then here is what I did. I had a solid A through my entire class and I understood all the material but if you were to put a test in front of me, my mind went blank. That test was huge for me and I was not gonna fail it. There are websites online where you can take practice tests. I did 1 a night. Just to get my mind in the test taking mode. Once I did that, the test seemed like a breeze.
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